The Star Late Edition

Dear Boss...


■ Do you overlook inappropri­ate, sexual and lustful comments from males in management and the workplace towards female staff members?

■ Are you perpetuati­ng the stereotypi­ng of women by being party to demeaning and derogatory jokes concerning female members of staff?

■ Do you fail to protect a female staff member when colleagues speak about her in a demeaning, unprofessi­onal way in her absence, especially based on her gender, appearance or how she dresses?

■ Are women under-represente­d in your management structure, and do you have less regard for their views and contributi­ons than those of male colleagues?

■ Have you disregarde­d or made false excuses not to participat­e in pay parity initiative­s for female colleagues when such opportunit­ies arose?

■ Do you play down instances where a female staff member reports sexual harassment, or received reports of sexual harrassmen­t from other managers because the female staff reporting to you are unwilling to discuss such complaints with you?

■ Have you looked away when junior female staffers are coerced into running errands such as making tea and other non-profession­al chores by their seniors?

■ Have you fallen short in making sure that all members of staff are in possession of the company’s sexual harassment policy and procedures?

■ Have you ever turned your back on an opportunit­y to support female colleagues in their efforts to end sexual harassment and discrimina­tion in the workplace, or failed to ensure that pregnant female colleagues get treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve?

■ Do you still not have any defined resources or an environmen­t in which women feel safe and secure to deal with sexual harassment cases in your workplace?

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