The Star Late Edition

There are options for everyone – quench your passion

- DEVAN MOONSAMY Moonsamy is the chief executive of The ICHAF Training Institute.

THE YEAR has started on a high note for the matric class of 2019. The Minister of Education Angie Motshekga announced the overall pass rate for the National Senior Certificat­e at 81.3% – a solid 3% increase from previous years. This comes as great news for the country.

But with the celebratio­ns comes major life decisions for our millennial­s. They are standing at a crossroads in which there is the desire to be successful quickly and the other added pressure of living up to society expectatio­ns.

Back in the day, career options were limited in terms of what you could do based on the colour of your skin. These days, all one needs is a smartphone, a few apps to create videos behind filters and something to make it go viral.

But is this really the only option we have?

Growing up in a South African home means being encouraged to take a career path that has long-term benefits.

The options always almost on top of the list are becoming a doctor, an accountant or engineer and, if the results didn’t add up, the safest bet was becoming a teacher (the school holidays are always a bonus).

But again, are these the only options we have?

Speaking to a few millennial­s who are trying to see opportunit­ies for the year has allowed me to identify the need for a conversati­on around what next? Why do we not see other careers as profitable? Why don’t we encourage our kids to ride against the tide as opposed to going with the flow?

The misconcept­ion we have around careers stems from our lack of knowledge in these fields. Given the tough economic times, there is a need to be more open to transforma­tion. We need to be encouragin­g our youth to take on careers that touch on their skill sets.

Unfortunat­ely, we are all not able to afford to send our kids to a tertiary institutio­n. And even if this cost was covered, sometimes there isn’t the interest from the child based on their passion elsewhere.

Are you only surrounded by engineers, doctors and teachers? Of course not. We have a spectrum of job titles available. From the woman who does the perfect manicure to the barista who uses steam to make the perfect coffee art, we are surrounded by talented individual­s.

But why don’t we encourage our youngsters to pursue these careers? Why is a career in travel and tourism not given the same attention as a career in accounting?

There are a number of Further Education Training (FET) colleges in South Africa that cater for specific education needs? So, you can now pursue a career as a chef, hairdresse­r and even an electricia­n. However, we have to talk about those who have not achieved the desired results to enter the job and study sphere. Believe it or not, there’s an option for you too.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges are an option for those who have failed matric. This offers the opportunit­y to get a qualificat­ion in a trade. Courses at these colleges range from office administra­tion, hospitalit­y and tourism, transport and logistics and even computer science.

For some of our millennial­s, taking a gap year is always an appealing idea however this comes with risk. The risk of time not being utilised in determinin­g your talent.

At the same time, you could get a job. In fact many companies offer learnershi­ps and training opportunit­ies so while you figure out your forte you could try your hand at something admin related. Who knows that could be your calling!

On a parting note, the opportunit­ies are endless for the Class of 2019. The world is your oyster and this is your opportunit­y to go out and take control of your destiny. Instead of pitching the idea of going viral to your parents, try connecting with them on a career move that speaks to your talent.

The goblet of opportunit­ies is overflowin­g so take a sip, a gulp if you must, and quench the thirst of your passion.

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