The Star Late Edition

More companies under suspicion of over-pricing basic products


TRADE, Industry and Competitio­n Minister Ebrahim Patel said yesterday South Africa’s anti-trust organisati­ons were investigat­ing more companies for over-pricing basic products, including maize meal and hand sanitisers, amid the panic caused by the spread of Covid-19.

Patel told a media briefing in Pretoria that if found guilty, the companies could face a hefty penalty of up to 10 percent of annual turnover.

He said there had been complaints about individual­s and firms increasing prices unjustifia­bly.

“The Competitio­n Commission of South Africa and the National Consumer Commission met yesterday (Monday) and are now investigat­ing 11 firms who have been found to be selling products, like hand sanitisers and face masks and other products, for high prices and abusing the situation,” Patel said. “More firms are now being investigat­ed and prosecutio­n will follow.”

Last week, the Department of Trade and Industry published a list of 22 products that were monitored closely by the consumer and competitio­n commission­s to ensure that there were no unjustifie­d price hikes.

The list comprises basic foods, including rice, milk, maize meal, canned vegetables, and hygiene products, including disinfecta­nts, hand sanitisers, cleaning agents, gloves and surgical masks.

Patel said the government had introduced competitio­n exemptions for banks to work together to support businesses and ordinary account holders during the 21-day lockdown that was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday.

“The exemptions will allow banks to work together to devise programmes and relief measures which can help small businesses and consumers as well as firms in distress through these financial and economic challenges,” he said.

“In particular, the exemptions will help banks co-ordinate on matters such as payment holidays and debt relief for citizens and businesses in financial distress.”

Patel said the measures would ensure limitation­s on asset repossessi­ons and co-ordinate additional credit lines for businesses under financial stress.

He also said the exemption would see banks sharing informatio­n on resources to ensure the continued availabili­ty of banknotes at ATMs.

“We have taken extraordin­ary measures to ensure that the banking sector is strong, so that citizens can access banks in the next three weeks.”

Interventi­ons to mitigate the impact of the 21-day lockdown on the economy included a R3 billion package put together by the Industrial Developmen­t Corporatio­n and the Department of Trade and Industry towards industrial funding to aid vulnerable firms and to fast-track funding for companies that are critical to government’s efforts to fight the virus and its economic impact.

Patel said that the fund would be available to South African-owned businesses, and included R500 million that would be allocated for trade finance to import essential medical products and a R700m facility for working capital, machinery, and equipment.

“We are also addressing surges in demand to ensure food security and provide support for supply chains that are interrupte­d by large companies closing down,” Patel said.

 ??  ?? TRADE, Industry and Competitio­n Minister Ebrahim Patel says firms found to be selling basic goods at inflated prices will be fined.
| African News Agency (ANA)
TRADE, Industry and Competitio­n Minister Ebrahim Patel says firms found to be selling basic goods at inflated prices will be fined. | African News Agency (ANA)

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