The Star Late Edition



1403 Henry of Castile sends envoys to Timur, the feared Mongol warlord, to discuss an alliance against the Ottomans.

1703 Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson

Crusoe – second only to The Bible in its number of translatio­ns – is jailed.

1737 A gale wrecks nine ships in a gale in Table Bay; 208 people die as a result.

1758 Mary Campbell, 10, is abducted in Pennsylvan­ia during the French-Indian War.

She is returned six-and-a-half years later.

1792 Japan’s Mount Unzen erupts and a tsunami kills 14 500 people.

1871 Troops invade the Paris Commune – 20 000 communards will die.

1903 The first Chinese labourers leave for the Witwatersr­and gold mines.

1904 The Fédération Internatio­nale de Football Associatio­n (Fifa) is founded.

1927 Charles Lindbergh makes the first solo, non-stop flight across the Atlantic.

1932 Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.

1936 Sada Abe is arrested wandering around Tokyo with her dead lover’s genitals.

1936 London hosts a conference on the protection of elephants and rhinos.

1940 An Allied counter-attack in France tries to stop the German blitzkrieg.

1981 Reggae icon Bob Marley receives a Jamaican state funeral.

1982 British troops land on the Falklands. 1985 A special forces unit is ambushed in northern Angola. Two recces are killed and Captain Wynand du Toit is taken captive.

1996 Lake Victoria ferry MV Bukoba sinks; nearly 1 000 people die.

2004 Stanislav Petrov gets the World Citizen Award for averting a nuclear holocaust in 1983 after guessing that the Russian early warning system was faulty.

2007 Cutty Sark, the last tea clipper, is badly damaged by fire.

2018 A teenager who started a California fire is ordered to pay $36.6 million.

2019 Nepalese sherpa Kami Rita sets a new record for summiting Mt Everest – 24.

2019 Washington is the first US state to legalise human composting. | THE HISTORIAN

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