The Star Late Edition

Muggings on the increase


RED FLAGS are being raised on social media channels about a spike in the numbers of joggers, walkers and cyclists being mugged. Sandton and Randburg appear to be the worst hit.

While there is no doubt that opportunis­tic thieves seem to be targeting people particular­ly during the 6am to 9am window, the number of incidents being reported is not tallying with the cases being reported to SAPS, particular­ly in the two areas, said Steven Bronks, the community developmen­t manager for Fidelity ADT.

“If the social channels are to be believed, it appears that a large number of these phone jackings go unreported because of the nature of the crime, a lack of confidence in the system or health concerns around reporting the incident at a police station.”

Bronks said the selective reporting was problemati­c as it contribute­d to the disseminat­ion of misinforma­tion around crime, rather than accurate and contextual­ised informatio­n which the SAPS and private security companies could use to apprehend suspects.

“No matter how big or small or how insignific­ant you feel the crime is, report it,” Bronks said.

“The more cases reported, the more resources deployed to address the problem.

“We are concerned that the high level of noise on the social channels is creating a lot of fear in the community. Everyone needs to remain vigilant, but we do caution that syndicatin­g unsubstant­iated reports may create panic.”

Residents must remain vigilant when they are out and about and remember:

Do not carry valuables unless necessary.

Keep cellphones hidden.

Walk in groups of two or more, maintainin­g physical-distancing guidelines.

Do not walk alone with headphones – they distract you from what is going on around you.

Always tell someone at home which route you will be walking or cycling.

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