The Star Late Edition




1 Normal (7)

7 Chocolate finger cake (6) 8 Concise or brief (7)

9 Applaud (4)

10 Middle Eastern country (4) 12 Made slightly angry (7) 14 Means of retributio­n (7) 16 Musical instrument (4) 18 Potter’s oven (4)

20 Sets upon (7)

21 Relating to lines (6) 22 Sincere and very serious (7)


1 Disturbanc­e or quarrel (7)

2 Third Greek letter (5)

3 Rich soil (4)

4 Goes back (7)

5 Temporary loss of consciousn­ess (5,3) 6 Concluding part (6)

11 Fertile female in a hive (5,3)

12 Cost of flying (7)

13 Firmly decided (4,3)

15 Magical or medicinal potion (6) 17 Male relative (5)

19 Mix with a spoon (4)

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