The Star Late Edition

Keep a balanced diet during your exams


AMID all the matric exam prep, don’t forget to feed your body with healthy snacks and wholesome meals. Your brain will thank you.

Kershnee Kallee, marketing manager of Jungle South Africa, says that it is important to have healthier options at the heart of your meal choices – even during snack time.

Here are some healthy eating habits to adopt during exam season. 1. Eat breakfast

Start the day on a good note with a healthy breakfast. You can eat oats for energy or eggs. Oats contain fibre, which helps keep your digestive system regular and aids in blood sugar and blood cholestero­l control. Eggs contain a nutrient called choline that improves cognitive performanc­e and memory as you age.

2. Don’t skip lunch

For lunch, have a meal with a low glycaemic index (GI) to sustain you until dinner. Meals such as chicken and lentil salad, ham and avo toasted whole-wheat sandwich with lots of lettuce, or a vegetable stir fry with slivers of bell pepper are good. Try not to skip

lunch if you’re not hungry, then reach for an healthy healthy snack.

3. Dine, don’t be shy

For your last meal of the day, you can enjoy an oily fish meal. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and has many health benefits for optimum brain function. If you’re not a fan of fish, then try including in your protein meal some chia or flax seeds, which are also sources of omega-3 fatty acids. 4. Keep hydrated

When you hydrate your body with water throughout the day, the chemical reactions in your body will ensure the optimal function of your brain and its ability to process informatio­n.

 ?? Pexels ?? KEEP your body well nourished. | ANTHONY SHKRABA
Pexels KEEP your body well nourished. | ANTHONY SHKRABA

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