The Star Late Edition

The Russian invasion of Ukraine took a deflection on Twitter with #Gaddafi after a quote by Putin: “If I was president the time Nato invaded Libya, Muammar Gaddafi would still be alive”#Gaddafi



He wore a cloth that remembered African leaders from different places fighting for democracy and the freedom of the African people. “I am a Bedouin warrior who brought glory to Libya and will die a martyr.” ~ Muammar Gaddafi @BlesingChi­chie

Are we regretting the attack on Libya and Gaddafi’s death? Yes.

But guess what we are about to regret again. We only regret the bad choices we make after feeling the negative effects of those choices. It is not about the Western propaganda. It is about our choices!


Putin was in charge between 20082012 during his interregnu­m as PM under his hand-picked president, Medvedev. He’d effectivel­y been in charge since 1999 as PM under a drunk Yeltsin then, quickly, acting president then elected president. Stop taking anything Putin says seriously.


I was not happy about his killing, it still hurts me as if he was my father. He was a true African nationalis­t, but for the envy of the West and compromise of his people. It is a pity, now how is Libya?


Putin is a wise man, it is either he is revenging for his friend Muammar Gaddafi or he is planning to restore the power of the soviet union. Both ways he is still winning, Africa loves you. All hail Biafra.


I am so sorry, Gaddafi. All African presidents should apologise to Gaddafi and Libyans for looking away when they were being attacked. The US and any other western countries that were part of the Libyan invasion should apologise to Libya and all of Africa.


Nato murdered Gaddafi and laid waste to many Libyan citizens but when they were questioned about it, they called it “collateral damage”. And we are supposed to believe the media that Nato is on the friendly side of what is happening between Russia and Ukraine today?


And how evil people with power can do whatever they want and nobody hold them accountabl­e, just make sure you feed their belly from the money and resources they stole. Just like sheep. It literally disgusts me and I hate thinking about all the misery in Libya and other.


Gaddafi was not only killed by Nato but by some of our African leaders because some African leaders did not like what Gaddafi was saying that Africa must unite and have one currency. Africans killed Gaddafi too. @MarvinUche­nna_

This is the man they painted a bad picture of for you. They told you he was evil and needed to be silenced. Nigeria and her politics will never come close to achieving what he achieved. We will never forget Muammar Gaddafi and his guts to make his people better.

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