The Star Late Edition

Zuma is not the villain here, he is another scapegoat


I DO think that Karyn Maughan is a beautiful woman, but I do not think that she is innocent or trustworth­y in her role in the Zuma issue which was before the courts recently. Let us not fool ourselves here, journalist­s are not saints, and the media are not wells of goodness and righteousn­ess. I have always argued that the only role of the media in any society is to report only according to facts, and not to take sides, but slowly and surely, the media are digging their own grave with the way they continue to demonise some and protect others. Also, this belief that the media are powerful is foolishnes­s. If that is the case why do the media (not) use this power to end drug addiction, racism, corruption, violence and inequality? On the issue of former president Jacob Zuma, why should we trust a privileged white woman, against a black polygamist, and be naive to think that she and a prosecutor had the welfare of our nation at heart? It does not matter that Zuma’s medical records were available to the public, but his dignity as a human being has been insulted by that woman, a legal practition­er and the justice system. South Africans never learn but are quick to find a scapegoat for their stupidity. The same South Africans who insulted and chased away former president Thabo Mbeki, for Zuma, are now acting dumb and immune to the mess our country finds itself in, together with the two-faced media. It is the ANC, South Africans and the media who identified and promoted Zuma as an alternativ­e to Mbeki despite the legal issues he was facing. You knew very well that Msholozi, as a freedom fighter from a young age, did not have enough time to study formally and did not have Grade 12. The same media are now focusing on little details about former US president Donald Trump, and aiding President Cyril Ramaphosa and the DA in doing GBV against Busi Mkhwebane. No one can serve two masters. The media can never serve both the truth and money. KHOTSO K D MOLEKO | Bloemfonte­in

 ?? African News Agency (ANA) ?? IT was the ANC, South Africans and the media who identified and promoted Jacob Zuma as an alternativ­e to Thabo Mbeki, says the writer. TIMOTHY BERNARD
African News Agency (ANA) IT was the ANC, South Africans and the media who identified and promoted Jacob Zuma as an alternativ­e to Thabo Mbeki, says the writer. TIMOTHY BERNARD

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