The Witness

Empowering SA caregivers one step at a time


South African caregivers often find themselves caught in a whirlwind of responsibi­lities, tirelessly managing households, nurturing children and supporting partners.

While it’s a role many cherish, the weight of constant demands can leave them feeling exhausted, overwhelme­d and stressed out. It’s crucial to remember that they deserve to prioritise their wellbeing too.

As a mother of two children, I have discovered a few techniques to help caregivers to re-train their brains to empower both children and partners, ultimately freeing up time and space for much-needed self-care.

Here are some practical tips to help caregivers reduce their stress load and reclaim time for themselves.

Communicat­e your needs: It’s essential to openly communicat­e with the household about how you’re feeling. Express your need for support and emphasise that the household responsibi­lities should be shared. Encourage open dialogue where everyone’s input is valued.

Delegate tasks: Empower the children and partners by assigning age-appropriat­e tasks around the house. Whether it’s setting the table, folding laundry or walking the dog, involving them in chores fosters a sense of responsibi­lity and contribute­s to a more balanced dynamic.

Set clear boundaries: Establish boundaries regarding your own time and space. Let your partner and the children know when you need moments of solitude or when you’re dedicating time to self-care activities. Respectful boundaries are essential for maintainin­g mental and emotional wellbeing.

Lead by example: Show the importance of selfcare by prioritisi­ng it yourself. Whether it’s engaging in hobbies, exercising or simply taking a quiet moment to recharge, demonstrat­ing self-care practices sets a powerful example for your loved ones to follow.

Encourage independen­ce: Empower the children to become more independen­t by gradually increasing their responsibi­lities. Teach them essential life skills and allow them the freedom to make decisions within safe boundaries. Encouragin­g independen­ce not only lightens your load but also fosters confidence and self-reliance in children.

Practice mindfulnes­s: Incorporat­e mindfulnes­s techniques into your daily routine to manage stress more effectivel­y. Take moments throughout the day to breathe deeply, focus on the present moment and cultivate gratitude. Mindfulnes­s can help you stay grounded amid the chaos of daily life.

Seek support: Don’t hesitate to reach out for support when needed. Whether it’s leaning on friends, joining a support group or seeking profession­al guidance, having a network of support can provide valuable resources and perspectiv­e.

Remember, by empowering the children and partners to become active members of the household, we’re not only lightening our own load but also fostering a sense of responsibi­lity and co-operation within the family. By prioritisi­ng our wellbeing and setting healthy boundaries, we can create a more balanced and fulfilling life for ourselves and our loved ones.

Embark on this journey of self-empowermen­t together, knowing that by taking care of yourself, you are better equipped to care for those you love.

 ?? PHOTO: PINTEREST ?? · Kerry Rudman is founder of Brain Harmonics and a neurofeedb­ack specialist.
PHOTO: PINTEREST · Kerry Rudman is founder of Brain Harmonics and a neurofeedb­ack specialist.

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