The Witness

Having well-trained dogs on a farm is beneficial to all


As a farmer in South Africa, having a well-trained protection dog can be a game changer. Not only do these dogs provide security and peace of mind, but they can also be trained to perform a variety of tasks on the farm.

In an article at the beginning of the year, I looked at which breed of dog would be best as a guard dog.

Now I will discuss the benefits of having a well-trained dog, not only for personal protection, but also for utilisatio­n on the farm.

One of the most popular breeds for protection work is the Belgian malinois. These dogs are highly intelligen­t, easily trainable, and fiercely loyal to their owners.

They are also known for their courage and protective nature, making them an ideal choice for farmers looking for a reliable personal protection dog.

In addition to their protective duties, Belgian malinois dogs can also be trained to perform other tasks on the farm.

For example, they can be trained to herd livestock, track down lost animals, and even detect pests or diseases in crops. This versatilit­y makes them a valuable asset to any farm.

Although the Belgian malinois is an ideal candidate as a farmer’s best friend, they do require an extraordin­ary amount of energy and effort. They are extreme dogs and need to be working and burning energy all day, every day.

According to a report by South

Africa Online, livestock farmers in the country suffer losses of around R2 billion each year due to predators such as black-backed jackal, caracal, leopard, cheetah, brown hyena, and even crows and stray dogs.

Having a well-trained protection dog can help mitigate these losses and provide farmers with much-needed peace of mind.

While the boerboel, rottweiler, German shepherd and Rhodesian ridgeback breeds are also popular for guarding work, the Belgian malinois is highly trainable and versatile, making them an excellent choice for farmers looking for a reliable and multi-talented protection dog.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of having a well-trained dog on your farm, you need to invest some time and effort into training the animal.


Start early: The best time to train your dog is when it is still a puppy. Puppies are more eager to learn and more adaptable to new situations than older dogs.

Be consistent: Use the same commands and signals for the same behaviours every time. Reward your dog for doing what you want it to do, and correct it for doing what you don’t want it to do.

Be patient: Training takes time and repetition. Don’t expect your dog to learn everything overnight. Don’t get frustrated or angry if your dog makes mistakes. Instead, try again until it gets it right.

Be positive: Use praise, treats, toys, or play as rewards for your dog’s good behaviour. Avoid using harsh words, physical punishment, or negative reinforcem­ent for your dog’s bad behaviour.

Be realistic: Don’t expect your dog to do things that are beyond its abilities or nature.

Be safe: Make sure your dog is healthy, vaccinated and micro-chipped. Make sure it wears a collar with identifica­tion and contact details.


One of the most obvious benefits of having a dog on your farm is to assist you with herding your livestock.

Whether you have cattle, sheep, goats, or poultry, a dog can help you move them from one place to another, keep them together, and prevent them from straying or escaping.

A dog can also alert you of any problems or dangers that may arise with your animals, such as illness, injury or predation.


Another benefit of having a dog on your farm is to control pests and vermin that may damage your crops or feed. Mice and rats can eat through your grain, seeds, or produce, and spread diseases to your animals or humans.

Terriers are excellent at hunting down and killing these rodents, as they have a high prey drive and a keen sense of smell. Dogs can also help you get rid of other pests that may harm your plants or animals, such as insects, snakes, or birds.


Another benefit of having a dog on your farm is to provide you with companions­hip and emotional support.

Farming can be a lonely and stressful occupation, especially if you live in a remote area or work long hours.

Dogs can offer you unconditio­nal love, affection, and loyalty.

Dogs can also help you cope with difficult situations or losses that may occur on your farm, such as droughts, diseases or deaths.

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