The Witness

Driver in distress robbed near Chota Motala off-ramp


A Northdale resident narrowly escaped harm, after he was attacked by a group of knife-wielding men while changing his car tyre on the N3 near Chota Motala Road on Monday.

Waseem Dawad was accosted by the group after he had stopped his vehicle to change a flat tyre near the off-ramp.

“I was returning home and as I got to the off-ramp, I could hear a sound from the tyre.

“I stopped the vehicle to have a look at the tyre.

“I saw that the tyre had come off the rim, so I decided to change it there.

“I was a bit slow and I could see a group of men coming towards me.

“When they got closer, another group of men came towards me from the bushes. “There were about 15 of them,” he said.

The men then surrounded him and asked him if he needed help, which he declined.

“That’s when it got rough. The one guy grabbed me, but I pushed him back and he fell. Then another guy swung his knife at my neck, but somehow I stepped back.

“When I moved back, four guys grabbed me. One guy had a knife to my neck and the other had the wheel spanner at my neck as well,” he said.

Dawad said the men searched him and took his cellphone, wallet and also attempted to steal the radio from his car.

Had it not been for a Good Samaritan stopping to assist him, he fears he would have been seriously injured or even killed.

“I am just grateful that the person stopped to help me. It was only then that the group of men left me alone and ran away,” said Dawad.

Severely traumatise­d by the incident, Dawad said he was having problems sleeping.

“Everytime I close my eyes, I can see them holding the knife to my neck.

“I am really angry. I work for the things I have.

“This could happen to anyone and in such a busy place, in broad daylight,” he said.

Dawad confirmed that he had opened a criminal case at the Mountain Rise Police Station.

According to Mi7 National Group director Colin David, the N3/Chota Motala off-ramp is notorious for criminal activities.

“The Chota Motala off-ramp area has had several reports of criminal activities and it’s important to exercise caution when stopping in isolated areas, especially if you have a flat tyre.

“The Mi7 National Group has dealt with a few cases so far on this specific off-ramp, where drivers were robbed of items out of their vehicle [smash and grab] or had stopped for assistance due to their vehicle having a mechanical issue and fell victim to a robbery.

“Suspects use this off-ramp as an easy target, as there are multiple escape routes that could be used as an easy getaway. The best advice would be to get roadside / law enforcemen­t assistance to handle these matters,” said David.

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