The Witness

Teachers sit unemployed despite there being more than 31 000 vacant posts


While thousands of teaching graduates sit at home unemployed, the Education Department has confirmed there are over 31 400 empty teaching posts at schools across the country.

This was revealed by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga in a recent Parliament­ary response.

KwaZulu-Natal has the largest amount of vacancies with 7 044, followed by Eastern Cape (4 497).

The Northern Cape has the least vacancies (726).

Gauteng has 3 898 vacancies. This is less than the 4 497 vacancies in the Western Cape.

Motshekga said the filling of vacant posts at schools was an ongoing process to ensure that there are no classes without teachers.

“For post level one vacancies, schools are allowed to recruit at a local level and immediatel­y when the vacancy occurs and make temporary appointmen­ts.

“These appointmen­ts are then made permanent upon ensuring that the educator meets the requiremen­ts of the post.

“By law, a temporary appointmen­t in a vacant substantiv­e post must be made permanent after three months.

“In the case of promotiona­l posts, schools are allowed to make acting appointmen­ts, especially for critical posts such as those of department­al heads and principal, while the formal recruitmen­t and selection process is undertaken.”

To deal with the increased workload from vacant posts, schools are allowed to appoint temporary educators until a position has been filled, said the minister.

The DA said vacancies were making already-challengin­g learning environmen­ts more difficult.

“Unfilled vacancies see classroom overcrowdi­ng, which explains why some schools have up to 70 pupils sharing one teacher.

“Unfilled vacancies, however, are just the tip of the iceberg, as public schools are significan­tly short of infrastruc­ture.

“Pupils are forced to sit in unsafe classrooms, use pit latrines, as well as share furniture, textbooks and stationery.

“These lead to terrible educationa­l outcomes for children, as 81% of grade four pupils cannot read for meaning,” said DA MP Baxolile Nodada.

 ?? PHOTO: THE CITIZEN ?? Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga confirmed the empty teaching posts at schools across the country recently.
PHOTO: THE CITIZEN Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga confirmed the empty teaching posts at schools across the country recently.

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