The Witness



News from Jan Korrubel at The Kingfisher in Pietermari­tzburg:

“After last week’s citing that

Autumn is ‘officially’ here, it seems like the weather gods still can’t quite make up their mind, and with the near-30 degrees temperatur­e of earlier in the week, summer is keeping his toe firmly in the door.

“Temperatur­es have ameliorate­d somewhat since then, so let’s hope that it continues to do so, as we are fast running out of Autumn time! Perhaps more importantl­y is that we are headed into winter with probably the best water supply in recent history — the Mgeni System is at FSL with pretty much all the dams in the system across the board showing 100+% capacity. Long may it last … and there appears to be a spit and spot still to come this weekend.

“As there hasn’t been any rain to report over the last week, and after the recent raging torrents, [Most] rivers will have started dropping and flow rates should be near perfect by about now.

“With the masses of water running off the ‘Berg previously, water temperatur­es as low as 13-14 degrees were reported, but guessing more like in the 16-18 degrees range currently.

“Again, pretty much perfect … and with just over a month left in the trout river season, it’s high time to get out there and wet that line on the moving water before the door closes …

“Returns from the Natal Fly Fishers Club report on fish coming from the Mooi and Bushman’s Rivers, with the uMngeni apparently still on the full side and running in summer colours. Fish brought to hand have been in the 7-11 inch / 18-28 cm range, taken on a mix of dries and nymphs.

“A decent size (#12) hopper patter makes for a great searching pattern, and if it’s just getting bumps from the wee chaps, then switch down to a #14 or #16 parachute or Caddis style dry.

“If that’s your thing, the hopper also makes for a great indicator to suspend a weighted nymph from … Zak, GRHE or PTN will do the trick.

“We reported recently on the death of Dr Tom Sutcliffe, without doubt The Doyen of South African fly fishing.

“His Memorial Service was held in Cape Town last week, and we could think of no better tribute than an invite for an outing to his [former] favourite stillwater from when he was still in practise here.

“It was a Red-Letter Day … we agreed that Tom must have been watching over us and told the fish to be on their best behaviour. Certainly one of the best days I have experience­d on a stillwater.

“Water temperatur­e measured

16-18 degrees over the course of the morning, and the fish were clearly feeding up, readily taking larger patterns like Woolly Buggers and minnow patterns.

“Rainbow trout was in the 40-50 cm / 16–20 inch bracket, but outshone by local angler Felicity Riley, who landed her first stillwater brown of 41 cm / 16 inches. Well Done Flea!

“A wee dram of the fine amber liquid was enjoyed dam side as we bade our farewell … so long Tom, and thanks for all the fish.

“The NFFC stillwater­s also produced their fair share of fish over the past week — the rainbow’s were primarily in the 11-15 inch / 28-38 cm class, with a single fish reported in the 17-19 inch / 43-48 cm class.

“No flies mentioned in the reports unfortunat­ely, but almost certainly bugger, minnow and dragonfly patterns would have done their duty.

“With the water cooling and clearing, the season ahead looks to be a cracker … The bass are also reported to be on good behaviour in both Albert Falls and Midmar, with fish in the 1,52,5 kg range being reported.

“There was also a report of a 2,5 kg fish from the Mooi River. With the warmer weather, there have also been carp [a mix of Mirror and Common] and barbel on the surface at Albert Falls. Local fly anglers Matthew and Simon Akerman reported “lots of fish up, but they were being a bit fussy”, but reported a good day on the water getting fish on a floating hopper pattern.

“While Sterkfonte­in is considered to the Mecca for the ‘Gold miners’, aka yellowfish anglers — the season for them is all about over. Sterkies also holds a good head of bass [and barbel], and some good bass were reported this past week.”

Please send any info about fishing or fish caught in your area to mike.

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