The Witness

Jobs and skills crisis

- Jon Foster-Pedley • Jon Foster-Pedley is chair of the British Chamber of Business in southern Africa. He is also dean and director of Henley Business School Africa.

One of the most vexing questions of our times in this country is how to address the joblessnes­s crisis; more specifical­ly, the ticking time bomb that is youth unemployme­nt. We cannot create jobs if we do not stimulate the economy and encourage the rapid growth of existing businesses and the creation of new ones.

In the midst of all this, we have to deal with a world that is undergoing profound, ongoing change and with that a lot of talk about how we train people for this new world of work which will be underpinne­d by AI and machine learning and where the perpetual rate of change will force us to learn, unlearn and relearn from now until we draw our last breath.

Entreprene­ur and author, Robert Kiyosaki is fond of saying that irrespecti­ve of the symbols our school leavers get, globally the school system is designed to churn out Es: employees. The A students become attorneys and accountant­s, actuaries, doctors and engineers. Some of the B-aggregate matrics will go into the profession­s too.

It’s human nature to want our children to do well, to do better than we have, but a blind determinat­ion to get them into university and qualified, hopefully in one of the profession­s, means that for the most part they will end up working for someone else — probably someone who only got a C, or lower, were denied entry into university and so they had to create their own magic.

It is important to always remember that the profession­s mostly do not drive the economy, they manage it and make it saner. That should never mean that there is no place for them in the brave new world. On the contrary; we need profession­als to scale up and make what has been created more effective, we need profession­als to establish standards and ethics and to hold people to account.

The bean counters and the bean growers are mutually interdepen­dent, yet the bean growers seem to get less emphasis in our education system.

We need entreprene­urs, we need rainmakers and unfortunat­ely, our education system hardly allows us to encourage this, beyond the usual tired extra-mural attempt to sell home-baked pies or a badly constructe­d rabbit hutch in your final year at primary school. We have placed a primacy on academic excellence, but so little on entreprene­urial excellence. It’s a mistake because the skill set required to excel academical­ly through a deep and narrow analysis is perhaps the polar opposite of the attributes needed for inventing and hustling the big deals.

Imagine if we created another category of excellence in our school system to recognise and encourage those who can think out of the box, find solutions and monetise them? We would probably often find the academic Cs are the venture/rainmaker As.

We live in a world of three dimensions. We need to encourage the creation of a fourth dimension — people who can disrupt the world we live in, shatter the corporate glass houses of habits and vested interests that keep an economy that is adequate from transformi­ng into a new model.

We need innovation — not breathless and incoherent, but grounded, informed, bold and developing answers for questions many of us haven’t even begun to formulate yet.

We also need to develop skill sets and qualificat­ions for the 95% of South African school starters who don’t get a degree within five years of leaving school.

Those who are neither swotting up to join the managerial class, nor becoming the entreprene­urs that start the companies; we need to develop people who actually do the work; the crafts- and the tradespeop­le, an entire subset of workers who somehow got lost in the last 30 years in the headlong rush to wear office clothes and ultimately sit around a table.

The answers exist, but the hardest part of all will be accepting them — changing a process that has been hotwired into the South African psyche for generation­s.

The simple truth is accountant­s and attorneys, valuable as they are, don’t kickstart the economy — and at this stage, our economy is deindustri­alising as we speak. We must turn it around, not manage the little that is left.

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