True Love

TL horoscopes


CANCER (21 Jun – 22 Jul)

You’ll need to watch your temper and channel your energy into getting things done from the 5th. Look to your workouts to diffuse pent-up frustratio­n.

Love: It’s not always about who said what – try to explore your feelings without all the drama for real resolution.

Work/Money: A pleasant curve ball at the office could set the tone for the month. Look, listen and learn.

LEO (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

Pay your bills, follow the rules, and stay out of trouble this month. Don’t let your dealings with authority land you in hot water.

Love: If romance has gone awol, it’s up to you to bring it back. Love is a verb.

Work/Money: People want you to succeed, so let them in on your plans and don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand.

VIRGO (23 Aug – 22 Sep)

Communicat­ion is all important – be heard, and make your words count.

Love: Your imaginatio­n is your best loveweapon, so use it to create the mood and take your love to idyllic locations. If single, listen out for the sound of a foreign accent.

Work/Money: You are coming out of a financial lull. Make full use of new opportunit­ies, and put money aside when the boodle comes in.

LIBRA (23 Sep – 22 Oct)

Opportunit­ies are boundless, so put in extra effort –your level of success depends on what you put in.

Love: Looking for love? Cupid knows just how to aim, so be brave and stop dodging the love arrows.

Work/Money: A focus on career is awakened, and you can’t wait for slow pokes to catch up. Be patient, even with the boss, as this is the time to be strategic.

SCORPIO (23 Oct – 21 Nov)

You are filled with inspiratio­n and drive– getting things done is almost effortless, so aim to do more.

Love: Sensual romance is in the air. Get tactile to delight the senses. If single, get out there and catch some hearts.

Work/Money: Influentia­l people are listening, so use every opportunit­y. Get career focussed and meet with the right people to make a lasting impression.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 Jun)

What you have been focussing on starts to show signs of progress. Secret desires frustrate you, but stand your ground and be patient. You may miss an important detail relating to your finances, so check payment dates. Love: The love gates have opened and you want more. Your charm is enticing, and your words melt hearts. Work/Money: Nothing can stop you, but be careful not to let your goals override common sense.

SAGITTARIU­S (22 Nov – 21 Dec)

An influx of informatio­n comes your way. Take notes, as there are a few gems and ideas waiting to be explored. Don’t get angry when challenged, simply reinforce your boundaries.

Love: The world is your oyster, but you may have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince.

Work/Money: You are turning your career into your ideal. Make sure it is all you believe it to be.

CAPRICORN (22 Dec – 19 Jan)

Stay calm when you feel challenged – wait until the dust settles before you speak. Harsh words cut deep and can last a lifetime.

Love: Romance and fun are all yours if you relax and let past trauma go – it may be painful but freedom is your gift.

Work/Money: If you have been plotting behind the scenes, wait until after the 9th to make your big move.

AQUARIUS (20 Jan – 18 Feb)

Having alone time to replenish your energy isn’t always possible. If you can’t, make sure you’re at least having fun.

Love: Turn your home into a romantic heaven with the right mood. If single, spoil yourself with some pampering.

Work/Money: You can get through mountains of work when you stay focussed. Avoid trouble with colleagues.

PISCES (19 Feb – 20 Mar)

New goals get traction – by the 21st you are ready to get into high gear to make a dream come true.

Love: Close your eyes, feel the passion and be transporte­d to levels of desire you never knew existed.

Work/Money: If you have been waiting for feedback on a job applicatio­n or business deal, follow up on your request. Doors are ready to fling open for you.

ARIES (21 Mar – 19 Apr)

You know how to handle difficult people, you can see them coming. Staying calm makes you stronger.

Love: Channel your frustratio­ns into fixing things or hot passionate love. Turn the music up and dance yourself silly.

Work/Money: As you rake in the extra cash, think about investing it because once spent it is gone. Be brazen and ask for more, you are irresistib­le.

TAURUS (20 Apr – 20 May)

There is magic when you talk this month – make sure you speak to the right people for success.

Love: You are feeling irresistib­le and everyone is noticing you too. Use your powers of attraction; it’s time to fall in love.

Work/Money: There is so much to be done, it almost seems impossible to juggle it all. Remember, you are one talented superwoman and you can keep it together.

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