True Love



Quality I most admired in my dad is… He was not a quitter. When life threw its worst at him and sometimes because of his errors of judgement, he took it in his stride and kept his chin up. He was never ashamed to be himself. I think living with the worst version of yourself is the greatest kind of bravery.

I never grow tired of watching… Amistad. It speaks to the long chain of human lives. We are here because there were others before, and our lives make no sense if they are disconnect­ed from those that came before us. At this moment, we are the very reason they existed at all. We have to pass that forward and leave this world better than we found it. If I could read one book for the rest of my life it would be… Probably The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs. It’s a book about how to live as a gay man in a straight man’s world. If I didn’t have to sleep… I’d still want to write my story and the great South African novel. Don’t tell me it can’t be done!

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