True Love


Pastor Pushie on mastering the art of seeing and reading God’s visions clearly!


Bethsaida featured prominentl­y in the gospels. It was the hometown of some of the earliest apostles, Simon Peter, his brother Andrew, and Philip. Jesus frequently retreated there. He was familiar with the area and they were familiar with Him. This meant He had a reputation in that area. One time when Jesus was there, some people brought a blind man to Him and begged Him to touch and heal the man.

Some people’s faith is simply amazing. They know that, ‘If I can just touch the hem of His garment, just one touch from the Lord, and I’ll be made whole.’ Have you ever needed a touch? Have you ever been blind? Not physically, but mentally, relational­ly, financiall­y or emotionall­y. Blind in your destiny? Blind in your marriage and purpose? Are you feeling lost, scared, confused and not able to see your way clearly? You don’t know which way to go. You’re desperate for a miracle. You know that if God doesn’t come through for you right now, it’s over.


The Bible says that Jesus took him by the hand and led him outside the village. Sometimes when you’ve been in the same place for too long and, in order for you to get something you’ve never had, you need God to lead you to a place you’ve never been. You see, your perspectiv­e is limited by your vision. Sometimes you need a new environmen­t. You’re stuck in a small place surrounded with small-minded people. You’re thinking and seeing too small. You’re dreaming too small. Your view is too limited. You need a new perspectiv­e. Sometimes you need to get out of the ‘village’ to see bigger. Jesus took him out of the village and away from everyone.

Then He put spit on the man’s eyes and laid His hands on him, and asked him, ‘What do you see?’ What I’ve learned is that God is not going to do something how you expected or the way you thought. I hate to be the one to tell you that God is not Mr Delivery or Uber Eats. You can’t just order a blessing how you want it, when you want it, and where you want it. God says, ‘My ways are not your ways. I know the plans I have for you. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him.’

In other words, you have no clue how God is going to bless you. You can’t figure it out and you’re not going to see it coming. You’re going to have to leave an unknown future to an allknowing God and trust Him. You’re going to have to say, “God, if You’re gonna spit on my eyes, here they are. Do it Your way, in Your time, where You want and how You want to. I trust You. I surrender to Your will.”

And Jesus spits on his eyes and touches him. He asks him, ‘What do you see?’ And the man replies, ‘I see men walking as trees.’ What a disappoint­ment — I thought he’d be healed!


But there are three stages of vision — blind, blurred, and blessed. Each stage has its own circumstan­ces. Blind is when you can’t see anything at all. You have no hope or chance of making it on your own. You’re lost, hurt, and discourage­d. It’s a feeling of utter hopelessne­ss and you’re completely dependent on someone to help you. The second stage of vision is blurred. Blurred is just as challengin­g as blind, if not more. When you’re blind, you know that you don’t know. You rely on someone who knows to lead the way. But blurred is more tricky than that. Blurred is when things change, but not in the way you expected. When it doesn’t look or work how you thought it would. When things don’t add up, they don’t make sense and you can’t trust what you see. When you’re stuck in uncertaint­y, between there and not there, yet in the middle of nowhere. When you see men walking as trees, but trees don’t walk and men aren’t that tall.

I know how to be blind, but I don’t know how to be blurred. I know how to trust somebody else, but I don’t know how not to trust myself. The confusion is killing me. My life is too cloudy. I need clarity. I have too much to do. I have a long road ahead of me. Jesus, I need to see clearly. Please perfect my vision.

And the Bible says that once more, Jesus put His hands on the man’s eyes. This would be the third touch. I know you’re tired, but reach just once more. I know you want to give up, but hold on just once more. I know you thought it would never happen, but please try just one more time. Allow God to touch you once more. One for the Father, one for the Son, one for the Holy Ghost; for the three stages of vision.

The Bible says that after the third touch, his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, he saw everything clearly, and his vision was made perfect. This is the third and final stage of vision that I like to refer to as blessed.

This year, may the Lord touch you once more. May you see with clarity and accuracy because where there is no vision, people perish. But not you. You will see clearly. You will have perfect vision. You will have direction. Your path will be bright and clear, and you will see your way out of darkness into the marvellous light. In the mighty and matchless name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen! Love always, Pastor P Instagram: @_pushie

What I’ve learned is that God is not going to do it how you expected or the way you thought. I hate to be the one to tell you, God is not Mr Delivery or Uber Eats. You can’t just order a blessing how you want it, when you want it, and where you want it. God says, ‘My ways are not your ways. I know the plans I have for you’

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