TV Plus (South Africa)

She’s just super

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Superman’s cousin Supergirl in her very own TV show.



Season 1 Thursdays Vuzu AMP 19:30

Another crime-fighting comic book hero is beating up the bad guys on TV these days. And this one is just super. Supergirl (2015- current), to be precise. Meet Kara Zor-El, aka Zara Danvers, aka Supergirl when she dons a cape and a tight spandex superhero costume. By day, Kara’s the assistant to a frosty media mogul (played by Calista Flockhart), but in her spare time she’s fighting crime, just like her famous cousin Superman. But what does it take to be a television superhero? For former Glee (2009-2015) actress Melissa Benoist, who played Marley Rose from 2012 to 2014, a lot less pain than Glee…

Did appearing on Glee help prep you for Supergirl? I’m so grateful that I had Glee as almost this kind of training for Supergirl. Glee was really, really, really tough work. It was so demanding. It was really long hours and physically draining and it’s not even as much as Supergirl. That’s harder work but it just felt like we had these really difficult circumstan­ces that we had to remain positive and sit in a choir room and clap while we were all exhausted. Maybe it primes us for superhero shows. Did all the dancing on Glee help you with the physicalit­y of the role? Oh yes! With fight training and with the flight on the wires and the harness, I resort to my dance training for every bit of it. Any injuries? Just a lot of soreness and waddling home from work [Laughs]. So how is Supergirl different from other superhero series? [Executive producer] Greg Berlanti always brings a fresh outlook on something that’s well-known and loved. This is a 2015, fresh, updated version of this beloved character. The show is about bravery and it’s about spreading positivity and having fun with a genre that can sometimes get really gritty and dark and scary. The world is a scary enough place and we just want to spread a little joy with the show. That’s our goal.

 ??  ?? Supergirl is taking girl power to new heights.
Supergirl is taking girl power to new heights.
 ??  ?? Melissa Benoist loves how
her character is strong and stands up to anyone.
Melissa Benoist loves how her character is strong and stands up to anyone.

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