TV Plus (South Africa)

Trash talk

The Dustbin Man confesses his crimes to Anzani, but are those crocodile tears rolling down his cheeks?


Weekdays 19:30

The Dustbin Man (Mothusi Magano) is back! On Friday 11 March, Scandal!’s most terrifying assassin asks to cut a deal from behind bars: he’ll spill his guts about his victims… but only to Anzani (Fulu Mugovhani), the woman he obsessivel­y stalked, kidnapped and then raped in exchange for donating part of his liver to her dying husband Lerumo (Tshepo Mosese) in May last year. How could she refuse?


Lerumo’s boss Captain Cohen (Daniel Janks) knows just how to pull Anzani in, according to Fulu. “It’s like, ‘You don’t have to do this. We have to ask, but we’d understand if you’re not up for it’, which kind of forces her to do it because Anzani is always thinking of the other person. It’s a good strategy.” Anzani would also do anything to help Lerumo reconcile with his brother. “He [Dustbin Man] is the only sibling that Lerumo has, so she’d grab that opportunit­y,” explains Fulu. But Lerumo’s not going to be so keen.


We’ll be biting our nails once Anzani enters the Dustman Man’s prison cell. Is she setting her feet on a dark path and allowing him to lead her? “He paints it as, ‘I’m giving you this to help the families that I hurt, so they can bury their loved ones and I’m asking for nothing in return,’” explains Fulu. And as he goes into the details of his crimes, the Dustbin Man shocks Anzani not only with the horrors of his actions, but with his tears and evident difficulty confessing to what he did and the pain that he’s caused. “She is traumatise­d and then when they find the body and it turns out that he’s told the truth, she goes back, wanting more. She starts to trust him and her protective wall slowly breaks down,” says Fulu.

Whether this is all a battle of wits or the Dustbin Man truly is calling it quits, we’re just glad that there’s a TV screen between us and him!

 ??  ?? Will Anzani get the truth
from Dustbin Man?
Will Anzani get the truth from Dustbin Man?

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