TV Plus (South Africa)

The chosen one

Who will survive Chief Azwindini’s tough decision: his wife Susan or their unborn baby?


Azwindini and Susan have a bond that can’t be broken… even by a matter this serious. Weekdays SABC2 (*192) 21:00

Pregnant royal wife Susan (Mahumela Mahuwa) is on her deathbed on Tuesday 20 December. According to the prophecy, her time is near and her doctors are at a loss as what to do. But there is a choice: save herself… or give birth to the healthy baby boy that her husband Chief Azwindini (Gabriel Temudzani) is desperate to have and give up her life. “Susan’s decision is to protect the family and die for her husband,” explains Mahumela. But Azwindini is refusing to watch his wife slip away.


On Wednesday 21 December, Thathe’s chief panics about his favourite wife because the last thing he wants is to lose Susan. “He doesn’t know what to expect,” explains Mahumela. “He’s nervous and the thought of losing a loved one, especially the matriarch of the royal house, is a big issue for him.” Rattled, Chief Azwindini turns to his traditiona­l healer and right-hand man Mulimisi (Humbulani Tsharani) for help later on Wednesday 21 December, hoping for guidance from their ancestors. “The chief doesn’t know how to handle the situation and he asks for ancestral guidance,” says Mahumela. “The chief’s biggest worry is not knowing just how much time he has to save Susan.”


Mulimisi gets a breakthrou­gh on Wednesday 21 December and he’s guided towards an object that could save Susan’s life as well as see Azwindini get his heir. Mulimisi hands his chief a charmed necklace that he believes will give Susan the strength she needs to survive. “What Susan is going through right now is a mind sickness. She is emotional and in a way she has already given up. She is ready to face her death but Azwindini thinks and hopes the necklace will give her the strength she needs,” Mahumela reveals. On Thursday 22 December, Azwindini takes the necklace and rushes to his wife’s bedside, praying that it’s not too late to save her.


A desperate Azwindini drapes the necklace over ailing Susan later on Thursday 22 December and he prays that Mulimisi was right. “The necklace does have healing properties, but it is carrying,” says Mahumela. While we can’t say what happens to the baby (we’ve been sworn to royal secrecy), we can say that there is going to be a bitter-sweet moment for Susan and Azwindini on Friday 23 December. The necklace’s charmed properties help Susan feel stronger and able to move her body again. She’s much better and the doctors discharge her from hospital later that day, but Mahumela reveals that it’s not all good news…

“It’s a time for the royal house to heal and process what has happened,” says the actress. Azwindini is pleased with his decision, that Susan is safe and Mahumela adds that “Susan has given her husband her blessings to take another wife, to try for another child.” And it seems that Mpho (Azwimmbavh­i Rammbuda) fits that bill…

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