TV Plus (South Africa)

Kissing cousins

Willem and Amorey kiss it up when their feelings take over.


7de Laan Weekday SABC2 (*192) 18:00

Cousins don’t normally pucker up for a make-out session – but that’s what’s happening with Willem and Amorey (Markus Haywood and Kristen Raath). And it’s all thanks a night of singing and shooters!


“Willem and Amorey have always been close as cousins and he’s been like a bit of an older brother,” says Markus. “They enjoy each other’s company and joke around and compete in drinking games.” It actually just starts as innocent fun on Thursday 22 June when they’re out drinking at a club and singing karaoke. Later that night, they creep home though the Welman mansion – Amorey lives in the main house and Willem in the cottage. He tries to go up the stairs and take her to her room because she’s tipsy, but Amorey spins around and they’re face-to-face, tipsy and giggling. Boom – they kiss!


The breakfast table is super uncomfy the next morning, on Friday 23 June. “Amorey is embarrasse­d about the night before,” says Kristen. “She doesn’t know what came over her to kiss her cousin – it’s a big mess!” Later that day they have a chat in Oppiekoffi­e, blame the alcohol and put their kiss in the past. Easier said than done, because by that evening, they’re kissing again – and this time without alcohol.


They ignore each other over the weekend and on Monday 26 June, Amorey asks her mom Mariaan (Deirdre Wolhuter) what she thinks about cousins being in a relationsh­ip. “It catches her by surprise and says that while it’s not really illegal, it’s not morally right and it would cause a family scandal,” says Kristen. That only confuses the youngster even more – she likes her cousin but the family won’t approve. Markus adds that his character’s just as confused, but Willem has a plan: get drunk with a pretty young girl and take her to bed to forget about Amorey.


Markus and Kristen have been a couple since January 2017 and they’ve overloaded their social media pages with photos of them out and about together. “We started chatting about it late last year and I’m really happy,” says Markus. Kristen adds that “there was no point covering it up – so we just came out with it and there’s no scandal [Laughs].”

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Willem and Amorey are locking lips.
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