TV Plus (South Africa)

Sink your teeth in

Watch out, JJ! Your music is plucking the wrong heart strings.


There’s nothing sultry or sexy about former prostitute-turned-lounge singer Eve Donovan Larson (Kassie DePaiva) after Wednesday 25 October. That’s when she loses her court case against her long-time nemesis Jennifer Horton (Melissa Reeves) and starts plotting revenge. Cash-hungry Eve demanded half of the royalties from her ex-hubby and Jen’s late husband Jack’s (Matthew Ashford) book, but thanks to the court ruling, Jennifer is in control of the finances and there’s no way she’s giving Eve “one red cent more than she’s entitled to!”


Eve sticks out her hand on Wednesday 1 November demanding her settlement cash, but she’s going to be waiting for a while. Jen snaps back, “I’m working and I’m not going anywhere to look for the cheque. You will get it when I get around to it, Eve.” With Jen putting up a fight and Jack six feet under, Eve needs a new target. And what better way to attack your enemy than by striking out at their loved ones? Like Jennifer’s teenage son JJ (Casey Moss), who also happens to be dating Eve’s daughter Paige (True O’Brien). “They [Jennifer and Paige] are going to have to get over it,” says Kassie. “This secret is going to stay a secret for a while, but the fallout is going to be great!”


Eve returns two days later on Friday 3 November, hoping that Salem’s “Miss Morals” has finished her work. Instead, Eve finds JJ strumming his guitar – the perfect opportunit­y to “bond” with the youngster. She gushes, “When I was your age, I saved up all the money I had to buy a guitar. I sang to the top of my lungs. I played until my fingers bled, everybody’s ears too.”


This friendlier side to Eve is something new to JJ and he laps up the attention, especially because his singing has gone “unapprecia­ted” by his mom and girlfriend. Eve continues, “JJ, singing for me, it’s the one thing that made me feel grounded, in control. And I miss it terribly.” Seeing the yearning in her eyes, JJ helps Eve with a few lyrics as he continues strumming his guitar. We bet Jennifer would have made time to find that cheque if she thought that Eve would go after JJ. Then again, hindsight is a wonderful tool, especially when it’s too late to do anything…

 ??  ?? JJ falls hook, line and sinker for Eve’s tricks. JJ’s girlfriend Paige is Eve’s daughter.
JJ falls hook, line and sinker for Eve’s tricks. JJ’s girlfriend Paige is Eve’s daughter.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? JJ’s parents Jen and the late Jack.
JJ’s parents Jen and the late Jack.

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