TV Plus (South Africa)


- (*194) 22:00 Current affairs

Investigat­ive journalist Nkepile Mabuse asks the questions no one wants to ask but everyone wants the answers to as anchor of current affairs show CheckPoint (2014-current). She scours the country and gets to the bottom of stories “and we try to give our viewers all the informatio­n they need to make up their own minds,” says the anchor.

Was this always your career plan? Not at all. Journalism came into my life by coincidenc­e. I studied civil engineerin­g at Wits Technikon and worked in the industry for four years. I wanted a change and I found out about a production assistant job through a friend at church – it was with now-CBS correspond­ent Debora Patta, who started 3rd Degree in 2000. I applied and fell in love. And you worked your way up? Yes, from production assistant to researcher, then producer. I was a reporter with eNews until 2008, then I joined CNN as their Africa correspond­ent. But there wasn’t much scope for investigat­ive journalism, so I started CheckPoint, which presses all the right buttons for me. You’re not just the anchor, right? I’m also the executive producer and I manage the team, budget, content and decide on the look of the show. The hours are crazy but I love it. It’s helped me grow. How are topics chosen? Our viewers are our biggest contributo­rs. We do stories that people want to see. We also have a strong team of in-house producers who are in touch with the zeitgeist in the communitie­s in which they live. Is there such a thing as a perfect story? No, because we never stop learning. Even when I feel vaguely happy with the end product, there is always someone who has had a different view or experience that could’ve been included.

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