TV Plus (South Africa)



Valentina tells Camilo that she’s pregnant but decides not to tell her mom María Clara. Victoria and Dr Agustín Garnica clash over the hospital staff’s protest, and Roberto tries to warn Agustín against Victoria. The hospital board approves support for the new paediatric department, and a new surgeon arrives at Santa Rosa to work out an agreement on a new department, but something goes wrong during his surgery. Dr Bernard has to give bad news to a father whose son’s illness will likely lead to an early death, and Carlos hits the bottle as he sinks deeper into depression following his breakup with María Clara.

Victoria has a smart suggestion for who can be the public face of the new Santa

Rosa plastic surgery department, Helena tenders her resignatio­n when she figures out that Santa Rosa’s financial manager has no interest in supporting her projects, and Dr Obando convinces the board to remove Carlos. A patient’s sister speaks for him when he comes into the ER suffering hallucinat­ions, and Victoria meets privately with a journalist outside the hospital to report on a patient’s case. Helena and Carlos’s baby daughter comes out of surgery, and violence erupts after a patient dies in the ER.

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