Village Talk



As the summer days slowly fade into memories, it is time to embrace the warmth of autumn in your home and all it has to offer.

Tackling any home maintenanc­e tasks now can better prepare you for any issues you may experience during the months to come. You’ll save money in the long run by preventing costly (and potentiall­y dangerous) damage to your home.

Below are a few ways to best prepare your home for autumn. Clean the fireplace

It is best to line the area with newspaper and remove loose ashes and dust with a shovel and broom.

Next, use a wire brush to clean off the soot from the brick, and use baking soda and warm water on a sponge to clean the remaining soot and dust.

Prepare your garden

Cut back perennials that have died down, divide herbaceous perennials, make leaf mould, move tender plants into a greenhouse or conservato­ry, and harvest apples, pears, grapes and nuts.

Inspect your roof

Inspect your roof from the top to the bottom, checking ridge shingles for cracks and wind damage. Also, look for damage to metal flashing in valleys and around vents and chimneys. Scan the entire roof for missing, curled, or damaged shingles. Look in your gutters for large accumulati­ons of granules and make sure they are flowing freely.

Set the atmosphere with an autumn scent

Create a perfect autumn setting with a few candles and diffusers. There is nothing more comforting than an autumn scent running through the air on a rainy evening. Trendy mason jar candles with scents of ginger, pumpkin pie, cinnamon, and cedar wood complete the ultimate autumn vibe.

See to the gas appliances

As the days get colder, many opt for their gas heaters to keep cosy and warm. An improperly maintained heater can spew toxic gases into the air of your home, or it could simply be costing you more to operate. Have a profession­al check these devices annually. - Caxton

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