Short on time? The ancient Greeks can help.


Trust the ancient Greeks to get philosophi­cal about time. Forget multidimen­sional universes or adventures on the space-time continuum, theirs was a more fundamenta­l understand­ing of time itself. And it could radically change the way you enjoy yours, today. The Greeks had two words for time. “Khronos” referred to clock time. It’s linear. Time that can be measured in seconds, hours and days. From it we get words like “chronology” and “synchronou­s”. This is how we’re taught to understand time. We’re also taught to respect it, track it and save it where we can. If you’ve ever found yourself running out of time, what you’re thinking about is khronos.

The second word for time was “kairos”. If khronos is something you measure, kairos is something you feel. It’s less about the duration of something and more about the significan­ce of it. It could be a brief moment with your loved ones or an extended season of excitement in your life that is forever etched in your memory. It’s about being open to opportunit­ies that come your way and not always chasing the next deadline. If you’ve ever felt something as happening at the “right” time, you’re experienci­ng kairos.

The Greeks understood that it’s the kairos moments that make life worth it. But it takes a certain presence of mind to notice them and respond to them. The secret to enjoying more kairos moments is to have more time. And that’s where we can help. The good news is, if you invest early, time gives you money. And then, money gives you more time to spend on what’s important to you. Like enjoying the (kairos) moments that truly matter.

Because time really is the greatest gift of all.

To make the most of your time, call Allan Gray on 0860 000 654, or your financial adviser, or visit

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