Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

US speeds up shuttle diplomacy on Palestinia­n statehood


JERUSALEM: US Secretary of State John Kerry accelerate­d his Middle East shuttle diplomacy yesterday in the hope of persuading the Palestinia­ns to resume direct peace negotiatio­ns with Israel, stalled over its West Bank settlement­s.

After seeing Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan, Kerry went to Jerusalem for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The talks suggest new urgency to the top US diplomat’s monthly missions.

Direct negotiatio­ns broke down in late 2010 in a dispute over Israel’s settlement­s in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Abbas has insisted that building in the settlement­s, viewed as illegal by most world powers, be halted for talks to resume. He also wants Israel to recognise the boundary of the West Bank as the basis for the future Palestine’s border.

Israel wants to keep settlement blocs under any future peace accord and has rejected Abbas’s demands as preconditi­ons. But it has also quietly slowed down on settlement­s.

Asked whether Kerry’s visit – his fifth – could bring a breakthrou­gh, Zeev Elkin, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, said: “The only one who knows the answer to that question is not Kerry nor Netanyahu, but Abu Mazen (Abbas).”

Kerry said he would not have returned to the region if he did not believe there could be progress. He is also keen to clinch a peacemakin­g deal before the UN General Assembly – which has granted de facto recognitio­n to a Palestinia­n state – convenes in September.

Netanyahu is concerned that the Palestinia­ns, in the absence of direct peace talks, could use the UN session as a springboar­d for further statehood moves circumvent­ing Israel.

State Department officials believe the sides will return to talks once there is an agreement on confidence-building measures, such as partial Israeli amnesty for Palestinia­n security prisoners. – Reuters

 ??  ?? RESTRAINED: Netanyahu
 ??  ?? DIPLOMATIC: Kerry

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