Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Solomon’s Temple celebrated the circle of life

- Brian Isaacs Chairman Western Cape Parent Teacher Student Forum Mike Thurgood Milnerton Steven Molteno Cape Town

IN YOUR “Then and Now” feature, you wrote about the little round church in Sea Point. Believe it or not, this was built in 1878 by the founder of the Cape Argus.

It was formally named “St John’s” but was more commonly known, humourousl­y, by Sea Point locals as “Solomon’s Temple” because it was financed and built by the bril- liant and progressiv­e politician Saul Solomon.

Physically, Solomon was a midget, but he was a giant of the mind, the power behind the early Cape government and a strong supporter of political rights for women and for black Africans in the early Cape Colony.

Solomon lived in Sea Point, in Clarensvil­le house. He built the round church as a non-sectarian place of worship, and it was round so that no denominati­on could segregate itself into a corner.

Solomon was Jewish and he was originally from the island of St Helena. However, he abhorred sectarian divisions (as he did racial ones) and he attended churches and mosques as often as he did syna- like idiots. Why do politician­s think we should have respect for them when they are leeches of society?

Please don’t let the government get their hands on the lottery. – Peter.

What a disgrace to read that the deputy speaker in the legislatur­e allows a member to continue defaming the DA. No wonder the public is unruly, throwing poo. You are all a disgrace. – Desiree

Tony Ehrenreich and his comrade Xolani accuse the DA of lying about the capital budget spending but want a week to explain their comments. They first need to find out what a budget is because in the ANC they don’t work with budgets – only spending and collecting tax to spend more.

Tony Ehrenreich, Marius Fransman, and Minister Nathi Mthethwa, what do you say now about the vagrant who died in police custody? I recall the busker making headlines. Is this not police brutality? Or is theirs condoned and what the City of Cape Town does, highlighte­d? Enlightene­d voters will not vote for the ANC which tries hard to emulate Madiba but will never come near him for his honourable ethical behaviour.

Zuma opens two new universiti­es, yet we cannot get textbooks to schools. gogues. He was a true free thinker.

This gentle and enlightene­d man would have been the Desmond Tutu of his day; I think he should be celebrated, and the Cape Argus (as his creation) would be superbly placed to do so.

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