Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Cape Muslims denounce Boko Haram terror group


capacity. I approached the MJC because there are so many people blaming Muslims for this.

“But this is a terrorist group. This is not Islam.”

She added: “I’m not Muslim but my sister turned to Islam, and I know the basic teaching of the Qur’an. And this is not Islam.”

MJC secretary- general Moulana Abdul Khaliq Allie said Boko Haram’s identity did not conform to Islam.

“It’s foreign to us. Islam does not condone what they do. The unfortunat­e situation is that in every denominati­on you find groups that violate their religious guidelines and scriptures. This is an extremist group,” he said.

“Islam stands for the principles of safety and security for all. This is a violation of the rights of these young girls. We want to see their safe release.

“The MJC invites people of all religions and walks of life to support this call.”

Sheikh Fakhruddin Owaisi, chairman of the Western Cape branch of the national Sunni Ulama Council, also denounced Boko Haram as a “terrorist group tainting the message and image of Islam”.

The council is a group of theologian­s that aim to “preserve and promote an understand­ing of Islam” in South Africa. Owaisi has researched Boko Haram, reportedly involved in violent activities in Nigeria since 2009.

“They claim to be working for Islam and want to establish an Islamic state. But what they are doing is a wrong interpreta­tion of Islam,” he said.

“This is a fringe terrorist movement with a radical, extremist view of Islam,” said Owaisi. “The majority of Muslims know this is not Islam. They have no right to do this in our name.”

Owaisi said he had spoken to Nigerian scholars who said Boko Haram were killing Muslims who spoke against them.

“They have even killed Muslim leaders inside mosques,” he said.

“It gives us who are more safe and outside Nigeria the responsibi­lity to speak out.”

Owaisi described Boko Haram as “takfiri, which is a fringe trend in Islam”.

“Takfiri is a trend found all over the Muslim world. It’s a minority trend but they are getting a lot of attention. They are terror groups all over the Muslim world,” he said.

“They believe others who don’t support them are not Muslim. “

“They want to force people to be Muslim, but this is not Islam. The majority of Muslims are not interested in this because it is violent.”

Owaisi added: “There are socio-political reasons for takfiri’s existence.

“They are mostly from poor areas and are fed up with corruption. But they have leaders that want power and have created enemies, even of Muslims. They brainwash supporters.”

Owaisi said groups like alQaeda, the Taliban and Boko Haram all fell under the takfiri category.

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