Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Excuses are wearing thin


IN THE letter “Let’s be fair about freedom of speech” Fazilla Farouk (Weekend Argus Saturday, January 17), quickly descends into blaming the West for producing deviants like the Kouachi brothers, because it marginalis­es its immigrant communitie­s.

This is the standard refrain of apologists to explain radicalisa­tion. Rather than search for the causes within the Muslim communitie­s, or even within Islam itself, it is always easier simply to blame the West.

Farouk’s anti- Western stance, although more nuanced, is similar to that of these fanatics. Whereas Europe is full of marginalis­ed peoples, eg, the Roma (Gypsies) and others, none of these groups has resorted on an ongoing basis to the barbaric measures perpetrate­d by the radical Islamists.

Apologists like Farouk are being deceitful because many radicals and suicide bombers have not come from the fringes of society, but from rather affluent families and some are qualified doctors. Many are recent converts to Islam, eager to show their commitment and devotion, and come from mainstream families.

What Farouk needs to acknowledg­e, is that if “marginalis­ed” people are unhappy living in the West, they are free to migrate back to Algeria, Syria, Libya or whatever society they came from. The reason they don’t is because their own societies are not desirable and are failures.

■■■ CONSPICUOU­S by its absence in the last editions of the Weekend Argus was any discourse regarding the abominatio­n of terrorist atrocities.

Just as conspicuou­s is the amount of space given to spokespeop­le and defenders of the Islamic religion reaffirmin­g their condemnati­on of “Islamic extremism” – and/but arguing this is not representa­tive of their religion.

Followed by defence mechanisms, (excuses, explanatio­ns), what is sometimes also manifest, is “the best form of defence is attack” approach ie, blame and accusation­s as to why maniacs commit these heinous crimes: “Had they respected our culture”... “Had they not been treated like outsiders”.

This occurred in the prejudiced and duplicitou­s article “Let’s be fair about freedom of speech” by Fazilla Farouk (Weekend Argus, January 17). Her remark “To be sure, Islamic states do employ harsh measures to silence voices of dissent” must surely be the understate­ment of the century.

Stating the obvious: 1 The name of this religion is Islam; 2 Terrorists commit their monstrous acts in the name of Islam; 3. IS stands for Islamic State. So please forgive any normal person for thinking that these are in any way related.

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