Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Tiny Tommy hits golf ball 90m.... with one hand



THREE-year-old Tommy Morrissey is driving a wedge between golfers at his local club – because he can hit the ball further than half of them, despite only having one arm.

The pint-sized prodigy, from Florida, has a swing so strong that he can single-handedly smash a golf ball more than 90 metres.

He is so dedicated to his sport, in fact, that he even takes his clubs to bed with him at night.

“Most kids have stuffed animals in their cribs,” his mother, Marcia told Golf. com. “Tommy slept with his golf clubs. And it wasn’t just one club. He had eight in there. One night we forgot one and he freaked out and said, ‘I need my driver.’ ’’

While most people might consider his disability a hindrance, Tommy sees it as more of a strength.

Adorably, he has even nicknamed his stump “Nemo”, after the character in the Disney animated film who has an underdevel­oped fin. Now the youngster has become an online sensation, after videos of him playing on an 18hole course went viral.

Tommy lives with his family in Florida but spends his summer holidays in New Jersey, where he likes to practise on its profes- sional course.

“I was very sceptical at first,” said profession­al golfer Jeff LeFevre, who gave him a lesson. “Most three-year-olds are more interested in Tonka Trucks than golf… But Tommy was different. His setup and stance were perfect, and he had the slight hesitation at the top of his backswing that you’re looking for. I stepped back and had a tear in my eye. The ball is the biggest truth in golf, and he hit it square. He is beyond unique.”

Tommy was born with an underdevel­oped right arm. But he learnt to catch a ball by the age of 10 months and by two he could hit a golf ball a distance of 60m.

“Adult golfers look at him and see how small he is and they say, ‘Awesome, the little guy can hit a golf ball,’ ” said Tommy’s father Joe Morrissey.

“Because of that sometimes it’s difficult to remember he’s just a toddler.

“Then there are times when we have to go back to a hole because he left his Matchbox cars there.

“He’s usually good for about five or six holes and then he wants to ride on the back of the buggy.

“We’ve had profession­als tell us they’ve never seen anything like it – he really is beyond unique.” – Daily Mail

 ??  ?? 'AMAZING': Tommy’s father, Joe, says golfers who see him swing are impressed... and are even more amazed when they realise he has only one arm.
'AMAZING': Tommy’s father, Joe, says golfers who see him swing are impressed... and are even more amazed when they realise he has only one arm.
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