Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

One year on, residents still call for answers to Senzo Meyiwa’s murder


ONE year on from the fatal night that soccer legend Senzo Meyiwa was killed, community members of Mzamo in Spruitview still believe something is being covered up.

To date no one has been convicted for Meyiwa’s murder, which took place at Kelly Khumalo’s family home on Kutlwanong Street. Some residents feel police need to go back to question those who were in the house that night.

Those there on the night apparently included Khumalo, who was Meyiwa’s girlfriend, her two children, Khumalo’s mother Ntombi, two of Meyiwa’s friends, Khumalo’s sister Zandi. and Zandi’s boyfriend Longwe Twala.

“Someone knows something and needs to come out with the truth. People don’t believe that Senzo could have just been shot for a cellphone. I still don’t buy the robbery story,” said resident Thabani Msibi.

Meanwhile, the house where Meyiwa was shot today stands empty.

A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said no one had been in or out of the property for months.

The neighbour remembered the night of the murder clearly, saying that when shots rang out she thought it was the boy next door banging a broomstick against his shack walls.

Only when she heard people screaming did she realise something was wrong. And that’s when she heard the news that the Bafana captain and Orlando Pirates goalkeeper had been shot after an apparent scuffle with robbers.

“He was carried into a car. I saw his feet... it was a struggle to get him into the car,” she said.

The woman said Khumalo was spotted in the neighbourh­ood last month, apparently to drop off her mother at a neighbour’s home for a party. But other than that there had been no word or sight of the family.

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