Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

PR carpet bombers don’t win client’s war


PUBLIC relations practition­ers often speak about the credibilit­y factor of editorial publicity, but the measuremen­t of this – using the rudimentar­y “times three” factor – is unsophisti­cated. As a whole, the PR industry’s reliance on AVE, or advertisin­g value equivalenc­e, as a baseline for evaluation has made us vulnerable to close scrutiny.

This is not news to us. The global PR industry is aware of the risk to which our often superficia­l reporting exposes us. In an effort to address this, a global brains trust headed by the Internatio­nal Associatio­n for the Measuremen­t and Evaluation of Communicat­ion developed a set of standardis­ed reporting principles it dubbed the Barcelona Principles. Recently, we saw the release of an updated model: Barcelona 2.0.

Most notably, the principles call for a move away from AVE (again) and the measuremen­t of outcomes, not just outputs. We are seeing this focus on outcomes more and more in client requests and board-level directives.

Billing on outputs puts a greater focus on achieving results, instead of simply filling hours (inputs) with activities that don’t translate into anything meaningful. The holy grail is outcomes: How does PR activity X make the company more profitable, or encourage staff retention or attraction, or make the phone ring or bring feet through the door?

Any marketing services provider who can link activities to outcomes can confidentl­y show the value of his work and negotiate a greater share of the marketing budget based on tangible results.

In the PR channel, if the appearance of a specific piece of content coverage (a radio interview, a press release published online, a newspaper article) has led to 12 incoming sales queries, the next PR campaign review will be all the more meaningful.

However, agencies undermine themselves and the value they create for clients when PR contracts are structured around such meaningles­s key performanc­e indicators as “X number of press releases developed a month”.

Logic dictates that the PR effect – that is, making the phone ring – arises from the placement or publicatio­n of the content, not from its backroom creation.

Why, then, do clients sign agency contracts that are structured around writing releases when they should be aligning the agencies to getting the coverage? These legacy PR contracts belong to a long-gone era that reduces PR to a box-ticking exercise – especially when no premium is placed on the PR skill of content placement.

Contracts that emphasise content creation over placement put the onus on the client to make himself available for regular interviews to enable the agency to create press release after press release that falls into the void of oblivion.

Because agencies are not rewarded for maximising placement of the material, the job of securing placement often falls to junior PR staff, who spam journalist inboxes so they may tick the box marked “distributi­on”.

Public relations outputs should be measured by their longevity and reach in an integrated model.

This encourages agencies to think carefully about how content is created, and compels them to sweat the campaign collateral to wring every last bit of value out of it. It reduces wastefulne­ss and frees the client up to continue with his own work while the PR agency seeks to maximise the return on investment in creating that piece of content in the first place.

Like all businesses, PR agencies need to evolve to smarter ways of working. Adopting better reporting methodolog­ies is a step in the right direction. But we also need to think carefully about how we structure our client agreements, lest we undermine the true value that smart PR brings.

● Brewster is founder of leading communicat­ions firm marcusbrew­ster

PR agencies need

to evolve smarter

ways of working.

Adopting better


methodolog­ies is

the first step

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