Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Lack of action on public order favours EFF’s fascism


BLADE Nzimande, our minister of higher education and training, who was conspicuou­s by his absence from the sites of student protest over past months, has surfaced. Blinking his eyes in Rip Van Winkle befuddleme­nt, true. But neverthele­ss surfaced.

The police, he said, would in future take “decisive action” over violent protests. Lest we be misled into hoping this means the ANC government has miraculous­ly grown a law-and-order backbone, he was quick to qualify his statement.

Such decisive action would follow once the police “assessed the degree of violence” on campuses. In other words, assorted acts of violence and lawlessnes­s – grievous bodily harm on bystanders, the torching of an art collection and vehicles, the gutting of the University of Cape Town’s vicechance­llor’s office and the burning down of North West University’s administra­tion offices and science block – apparently do not per se demand a firm response from the SA Police Service.

Firstly, his criteria for action are puerile. Secondly, it is outrageous that the minister appears to be deciding on behalf of the police when they might or might not act.

During a visit to the Wits University library this week, Nzimande unveiled his thinking: “We came to this library just to share why it is dangerous to destroy university property... We saw some of the things that are housed here and one of them is the court records of the Rivonia trial, including even the draft by President Mandela when he was preparing his famous speech in the Rivonia trial,” Nzimande said.

“These are the things that are in danger of being destroyed. We need to protect these records.”

In other words, to trigger the police protection the constituti­on promises every citizen, you have to fit into the ANC’s picture of what it deems important and worthy of preservati­on. It’s about expediency, an ANC desire not to alienate an important political constituen­cy, young voters, who can do pretty much what they like as long as they don’t start mauling the hand that pets them.

It is not only Nzimande at fault. The university vice-chancellor­s who suddenly issued a joint statement noting “with grave concern the nature and form of disruptive protests and escalating violence” have for months been leaning over backwards to appease as protest steadily deteriorat­ed into violence.

The change is they have belatedly discerned a sinister nexus to the thuggery.

“It appears that these violent acts are being planned and committed by groups and individual­s with a singular intent – to deliberate­ly disrupt and destabilis­e our universiti­es through intimidati­on and violence.”

The Department of Higher Education and Training said the protests showed the existence of fringe elements seeking to destabilis­e campuses “as part of a perverse political agenda… These fringe elements seem hell bent to exploit every problem as part of seeking to hijack legitimate student concerns for their narrow ends”, thus calling on “all progressiv­e forces” to distance themselves from intimidati­on, violence and vandalism.

The likely trigger for Nzimande, his department and the vicechance­llors is the growing role of the EFF. From the very beginning of the #RhodesMust­Fall and #FeesMustFa­ll protests, the EFF showed its intention to hijack direct action.

And since then, its leader Julius Malema and his EFF cohorts have been assiduousl­y using social media to encourage disruption, becoming particular­ly brazen of late.

Tweets from the EFF’s official account unambiguou­sly incited violence, intoleranc­e and destructio­n at North-West University.

And to add fuel to fire, so to speak, on the EFF’s official Facebook page the EFF’s Pretoria leader posted instructio­ns on how to make petrol bombs.

As is its wont, the EFF threatened to “go to war” against the University of Pretoria and stated “people will stand up and fight”. It also warned on social media “no untransfor­med university” would be allowed to open its doors.

The DA has said it will lay charges against the EFF for inciting violence on the campuses. This should, of course, not be necessary.

If the police were doing their jobs properly, they would not have to wait for the DA to lay charges or for Nzimande to give the nod. They would long ago have acted swiftly and decisively, using not only their officers on the ground to intervene when crimes were being committed, but their criminal intelligen­ce division to pre-empt the spread of chaos.

The danger to SA is the attenuatio­n of public order by a police force that marches to the cadence of ANC politician­s. Perhaps more dangerous is the EFF, a political party that hides its fascist tendencies behind the fig leaf of parliament­ary democracy with the one hand, while brandishin­g a Molotov cocktail in the other.

It’s time for the ANC and the SAPS to gird their loins and act.

Follow: WSM on Twitter @TheJaundic­edEye

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