Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Zuma must answer on Guptas



ho does one believe? Several senior

ANC leaders have claimed they were

pressured by the Gupta family to do

their bidding in exchange for high

political office. The Guptas have denied this, claim-

ing they are victims of ANC infighting and a plot to

get rid of President Jacob Zuma.

First it was former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor, ex-

chairwoman of the ANC’s parliament­ary caucus,

who claimed she was offered the public enterprise­s

minister post at the Gupta’s Joburg home on condi-

tion she would allow them to have the South Africa-

India flight route. Mentor said Zuma was in an ad-

joining room and spoke to her after she refused the

offer. He has denied knowing who she is.

Then it was Deputy Finance Minister Mcebisi

Jonas who revealed the Guptas had offered him the

job of finance minister, replacing his then-boss

Nhlanhla Nene. Then Nene was fired and replaced

by the little-known David van Rooyen, before he

was swiftly moved in favour of Pravin Gordhan –

after a public outcry and the collapse of the rand.

And Gordhan has been having battles, with the

Hawks leaning on him to answer questions about a

supposed “rogue” unit in Sars. The Hawks say they

are doing their job, but commentato­rs see this as an

attempt to force him to agree to finance new nuclear

power stations, to the benefit of tenderpren­eurs.

The SACP also went on the attack, claiming

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies, was a

target because of his attempts to secure cheaper

steel prices for local manufactur­ers – of concern to

the Guptas because they want a stake in steelmaker

Zuma said he hires and fires cabinet ministers,

but has not explained if his choices are influenced

by others outside government. ANC leaders in the

National Executive Committee, meeting this week-

end, need him to explain why his colleagues think

he is putting the Guptas before the country.

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