Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Gang solution must come from within community


THERE will, one supposes, always be a contradict­ion between the beauty of Cape Town for people who live in the more affluent suburbs and the less-than-glamorous reality for residents of the gang-ridden areas of what is known as the Cape Flats.

It is difficult for someone like me, who grew up on the Cape Flats and who now lives in one of the nicer suburbs, to avoid this contradict­ion. Most of my extended family still live on the Cape Flats and have to cope daily with the social and other problems in the mostly poorer townships.

I grew up mainly in Hanover Park, but also lived elsewhere on the Cape Flats in places such as Bokmakieri­e, Kewtown, Silvertown, Surrey Estate, Primrose Park, Elsies River, Bonteheuwe­l and Mitchells Plain. Even if you try to cut yourself off from the problems in these areas to concentrat­e on middle- class issues, it is not easy.

It is easier if you come from a privileged background where your only interactio­n with people from the Cape Flats is because they work for you, or your parents. It’s easier when you can talk about “them” or “their problems” as opposed to “us” and society’s problems. It’s not so easy when this is part of your history and social experience and still affects many members of your family.

Crime, irrespecti­ve of where it happens, is a societal problem and we cannot pretend it does not exist just because we are safe behind our electric fences and burglar bars. We cannot say at least it is not happening in our areas.

When you read the stories about what has been going on in Manenberg, where young people, some of them innocent, are killed on a regular basis and where gangs have really taken over the community, it hurts.

It hurts more because the situation has not changed much from the days when I grew up on those streets more than 40, 50 years ago. It seems one of the big difference­s is when I grew up most gangsters used knives and other sharp weapons while the gangsters of today use guns.

Over the years I have watched how generation­s of leaders and politician­s have grappled with what to do about gang problems on the Cape Flats – all with little success.

Gangsteris­m will continue to be a problem in communitie­s where people feel marginalis­ed, economical­ly and politicall­y, and where many parents turn a blind eye to the wrongdoing­s of their children, claiming they are not bad but only have bad friends.

It is not an excuse for gangsteris­m, but you need only to look at the apartheid architectu­re of a city like Cape Town to realise this still plays a role in many problems we have. Life has not changed much for the people of Manenberg since the days of apartheid.

Taking ownership of any problem is the first step towards solving that problem.

The peace- loving people of Manenberg and other similar places on the Cape Flats need to get together and find solutions because solutions cannot, will not, come from outside.

Leaders need to grow from inside these communitie­s because outsiders, who can go and sleep in comfortabl­e beds at night, can never display the same kind of commitment to finding solutions.

Gangsters are still made to feel welcome in our communitie­s; there are still too many people who protect them for whatever reason. Maybe they benefit financiall­y or maybe there is a familial and friendship bond. Gangsteris­m can only be dealt with completely if residents decide to apply tough love.

For instance, you should not allow gang members in your house or in your social circles, even if they are family or friends. You should not buy stolen property, even if that is the only way that you will possess something you have always wanted.

But, importantl­y, residents need to be prepared to come forward to not only report crimes but ensure the police are held accountabl­e for solving crimes.

It is difficult to ask a mother to disown a gangster son – especially when she refuses to accept his gangster affiliatio­n – or to turn against him, but this is the radical step that needs to happen.

I have seen too often how young people on the Cape Flats admire gangsters and aspire to be like them. It is time for proper role models to step forward and help to show youngsters there are alternativ­es.

It is not going to be easy to tackle the problem of gangsteris­m, but we appear not to have made significan­t progress in the past 50 years or more and for this we should all hang our heads in shame.

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