Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)



there are the film’s unintentio­nally funny bits, thanks to the tooobvious writing. Less amusing are the stereotype­s it tends to perpetuate. Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) saves the day almost singlehand­edly yet again, this time protecting US President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart) from terrorists.


Jake Gyllenhaal plays Davis Mitchell, a young investment banker who’s on the phone with his boss as Demolition opens. Filmed in a series of jangly, disorienti­ng close-ups, the sequence reveals that Davis is in a car being driven by his wife, Julia (Heather Lind), who’s wondering when he’s going to fix the fridge. A study in the exasperate­d minutiae of the reasonably happy marriage, the scene expertly ratchets up the tension, so that even its foregone conclusion arrives like a paralysing blow. What ensues is a sometimes bizarre, self-consciousl­y quirky portrait of a man reconsider­ing his life’s purpose, the foundation of his marriage and his inescapabl­e sense of alienation from a world he can only perceive through destructiv­e, shattering metaphors. This is a movie that seeks to defy most Hollywood-sanctioned rules, taking its unsteady protagonis­t on an increasing­ly erratic journey involving dramatic detours and increasing­ly unsettling outbursts, culminatin­g in an impressive­ly staged episode when the title comes into floridly literal play.

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