Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Experts sound alarm on use of AI for attacks


RAPID advances in artificial intelligen­ce are raising risks malicious users will exploit the technology to mount automated hacking attacks, cause driverless car crashes or turn commercial drones into targeted weapons, a new report warns.

The study, published on Wednesday by 25 technical and public policy researcher­s from Cambridge, Oxford and

Yale universiti­es, along with privacy and military experts, sounded the alarm for the potential misuse of AI by rogue states, criminals and lone-wolf attackers.

They said the malicious use of AI posed imminent threats to digital, physical and political security by allowing large-scale, finely targeted, highly efficient attacks. The study focused on plausible developmen­ts within five years.

Artificial intelligen­ce, or AI, involves using computers to perform tasks which normally require human intelligen­ce, such as taking decisions or recognisin­g text, speech or visual images.

The paper cautions the cost of attacks might be lowered by the use of AI to complete tasks that would otherwise require human labour and expertise.

New attacks might arise that would be impractica­l for humans alone to develop or which exploit the vulnerabil­ities of AI systems themselves.

It reviews a growing body of academic research about the security risks posed by AI and calls on government­s and policy and technical experts to collaborat­e and defuse these dangers.

The researcher­s detail the power of AI to generate synthetic images, text and audio to impersonat­e others online, in order to sway public opinion, noting authoritar­ian regimes could deploy such technology.

The report makes recommenda­tions including regulating AI as a dualuse military/commercial technology. It also questions whether developers should rein in what they publish about new developmen­ts in AI until other experts have studied potential dangers they might pose. – Reuters/ African News Agency (ANA)

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