Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Green must be the ‘colour’ of all developmen­ts


THE WATER crisis in the Western Cape has highlighte­d the increased necessity for environmen­tally friendly living and sustainabl­e building. Those who live in, build, design and finance property must do more for sustainabi­lity than just pay it lip service.

Even though many industries are using the term “sustainabi­lity” as a marketing tool, architect Richard Stretton says the greatest steps being taken to ensure sustainabi­lity are made through legislatio­n, and the implementa­tion of this legislatio­n is the challenge.

“I believe almost all architects understand the fundamenta­ls of sustainabi­lity.

“It is the education of end users, financial institutio­ns and developers that makes the difference.”

Stretton, who is also an adjudicato­r for the Afri- SAM-SAIA Sustainabl­e Architectu­re & Innovation Awards for 2018, says education in architectu­re does a lot to promote sustainabi­lity, but changing human will, including the ego of architects, to understand that sustainabi­lity is “more important than their latest idea”, is harder.

“Architectu­re is now in the realm of global financial structures and buildings are investment devices, not simply habitats for human activity. Notions of sustainabi­lity do not always fit with the developer looking for fast and massive returns.”

Stretton acknowledg­es that some developers are aiming for greener buildings. However, mechanisms limit the assessment of what is green to technology and measurable aspects, thereby overlookin­g the human aspects.

“This is the next level of understand­ing we should look to in the way we build.”

Stretton says: “Timber must be the future of the constructi­on industry as the growing process sequesters carbon and it is a renewable resource.

“An understand­ing of passive design in buildings and use of renewable materials will sort 80% of sustainabi­lity issues we deal with in architectu­re. The remaining 20% is solvable through technology.”

According to the Green Building Council of South Africa, green building entails the implementa­tion of a combinatio­n of measures, including using environmen­tally friendly and non-toxic materials. It also involves using renewable energy sources. Other measures include:

Careful building design to reduce heat loads, maximise natural light and promote circulatio­n of fresh air.

Energy-efficient air-conditioni­ng and lighting.

Reducing waste and using recycled materials.

Water-efficient plumbing fittings and water harvesting.

Sensitivit­y to the impact of the developmen­t on the environmen­t.

The impacts of climate change are now being seen and Dorah Modise, chief executive of the Green Building Council, says water quality, quantity and security of supply will remain a countrywid­e challenge “for centuries to come”.

Everyone needs to adopt water efficiency measures.

“Some buildings that have been certified are water neutral. We’d like to see a large take-up in this way of designing and operating buildings in South Africa becoming the norm.”

The closing date for entries for this year’s AfriSam-SAIA Awards for Sustainabl­e Architectu­re & Innovation is the March 24. See http://sustainabl­edesign.co.za

 ?? PICTURE: SAGNELLI ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS ?? This green house, designed by Sagnelli Associate Architects, was awarded for sustainabl­e architectu­re in the 2015/2016 AfriSAM-SAIA Sustainabl­e Architectu­re & Innovation Awards.
PICTURE: SAGNELLI ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS This green house, designed by Sagnelli Associate Architects, was awarded for sustainabl­e architectu­re in the 2015/2016 AfriSAM-SAIA Sustainabl­e Architectu­re & Innovation Awards.

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