Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Is anyone satisfied with their old-style contractua­l investment policy?


LAST week’s column on the penalties associated with the contractua­l investment­s flogged for decades by salesmen representi­ng the big life assurance companies elicited a number of “it-also-happened-to-me” responses from readers, among them one from Paul in KwaZulu-Natal.

Paul and his wife had seven such policies, which, in 2004, he cancelled “after my eyes were opened regarding the poor products in which we had invested our hardearned money”.

Paul produced a table of his losses (see table, right), which makes for interestin­g, if depressing, reading. As was the case last week, I will refrain from singling out the companies concerned because they were all equally bad.

In total, Paul lost about a third of the money he had invested over at least 18 years. He lost more if you take into account inflation over the period, and substantia­lly more if you consider the lost opportunit­y of putting the money in a real investment.

Paul and his wife had further Type of product Endowment policy Endowment policy Retirement annuity Endowment policy Study policy Endowment policy Endowment policy Total

Years contribute­d 18






9 trouble with a retirement annuity (RA) they subsequent­ly took out with a life company that was sold to them as a “unit trust RA”. However, it, too, had contractua­l conditions.

“We wanted to reduce my wife’s contributi­on (which started at R250 per month and which we increased to R2 500 per month) back to the original R250, but this attracted a

Own contributi­ons R19 211 R17 509 R17 362 R17 977 R10 814 R11 498 R17 236 R111 610 Surrender value paid out R23 334 R7 697 R13 589 R3 692 R3 789 R9 052 R15 659 R76 816 penalty of over R30 000. This change was brought about by a fear that she might be retrenched in December 2014. I decided to do a section 14 transfer to a new Coronation RA and pay the R30 000-plus penalty once instead of reducing the premium to R250 and maybe facing another penalty if we were forced to cancel the policy at a later stage. Our fear was justified when my wife was retrenched in February 2015. By this time, the Coronation RA was running and we stopped contributi­ons, with no penalties imposed by Coronation.”

Paul concludes: “I will never deal with any of the life insurance companies that were in operation before 1994. I stay away from them as far as possible.”


The problems with the oldgenerat­ion contractua­l RA and endowment policies went a lot further than the “confiscato­ry penalties” imposed if you stopped or reduced your contributi­ons or, in the case of Paul, transferre­d to another provider. They also lay with their opacity when it came to costs and investment returns, as well as the enticement­s to prospectiv­e investors in the form of “illustrati­ve maturity values”.

Here, let’s turn to my own experience.

In 1988, a year or two after starting my first “real” job, I signed up for a contractua­l RA. It was to run for 30 years, and my contributi­on was a princely R100 a month. The quoted “illustrati­ve maturity value” was about R530 000.

A few years later, I upped the premium to R150 and then to R173, more or less the maximum at the time on which I could claim a tax deduction. It has remained at R173.

Three decades came and went, and the policy matures next month, when I shall transfer it to a unit trust RA I took out some years ago. The amount to be transferre­d: just over R250 000, or less than half the illustrati­ve maturity value at inception. This represents an annual return, over those 30 years, of a miserable 7.4%, which about equals the average inflation rate over that period. (Don’t forget that inflation was in the mid to high teens in the late 1980s and early 1990s.)

No investment is risk-free, and, as I mentioned last week, back in the ’80s there wasn’t much else to choose from for long-term savings. But I believe that the interests of the customer did not come first in the design or marketing of these old-style contractua­l products, particular­ly the RAs. I invite readers satisfied with the performanc­e of policies they bought more than 10 years ago to persuade me otherwise.

That said, there is a case to be made for new-generation endowment policies to be used by the right people under the right circumstan­ces – something I will explore next week.


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