Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Helping your dog affected by arthritis


AS PET owners, it’s important to monitor your pets for any signs of changes to their behaviour. If there are, there may be numerous reasons.

One of these may be arthritis. Arthritis, also known as osteoarthr­itis or degenerati­ve joint disease, is characteri­sed by pain and inflammati­on in an animal’s joints. Arthritis is caused by the breaking down of smooth cartilage that covers and protects the bones that form a joint. Once the bones are exposed, painful wear and tear can occur.

Dogs who have canine arthritis may:

Walk stiffly.

Limp or favour certain limbs.

Show stiffness or discomfort when getting up from a lying-down position.

Display lameness in certain limbs.

Appear to have stiff, swollen or sore joints.

Seem to experience pain when touched in certain areas.

Seem to find certain positions uncomforta­ble or painful.

Suffer loss of flexibilit­y in their joints.

Be hesitant to jump, run or climb stairs.

A veterinari­an may do a physical exam, take radiograph­s and perform other diagnostic tests to determine the cause of your dog’s pain.

The vet will also check your dog’s medical history for previous injuries and consider possible inherited conditions.

A joint infection.



An inherited condition such as hip dysplasia.

Immune system problems. Obesity.

Ligament, tendon or muscle injury.

Fracture of bone that involves a joint.

Ageing and natural erosion of cartilage.

If a larger dog suffers any injuries or sprains during his growth period, this can cause him to develop arthritis later in life.

Although certain larger breed dogs such as mastiffs and Great Danes are susceptibl­e to arthritis, the condition can develop in all breeds and mixed breeds as the result of joint infection, dislocatio­n, trauma or family genetics. Elder dogs also often develop arthritis as a result of ageing.

Keeping your dog fit with exercise and proper nutrition may in some cases help prevent arthritis, or possibly slow its progressio­n once the condition has set in. In fact, if your dog is a larger breed, it’s necessary to monitor the type and amount of food given when his bones are still growing.

But arthritic conditions cannot always be predicted or prevented, especially those that are inherited.

Once symptoms of arthritis set in, there is no cure. It’s important for you to work with your veterinari­an to create a programme to minimise your dog’s pain while keeping him healthy. Some general treatment options may include:

Possible use of antibiotic­s, painkiller­s or antiinflam­matory medication­s.

Possible use of nutritiona­l supplement­s to help replenish cartilage.

Healthy diet and regular, low-impact exercise.

Thorough research of new products on the market that may ease your pet’s discomfort. Weight loss, if necessary. Please do not give your dog human medication without first checking with your vet.

Generally, dogs with arthritis should engage in daily low-impact exercise such as walking or, if possible, swimming.

If your dog has arthritis, here are a few ways that you can make her more comfortabl­e:

Give her soft bedding.

Have short, gentle play sessions.

Provide her with gentle massages and physical therapy.

Place food and water bowls on a low table or crate, or in a raised feeder, to avoid neck and spine strain.

Groom the areas of her body that may be hard for her to reach.

Buy her a firm, orthopedic foam bed.

Get a portable ramp to allow her access to the car or other areas where she’ll have to jump or climb.

 ??  ?? Which dogs are prone to canine arthritis?
Which dogs are prone to canine arthritis?

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