Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Involving personal choices in shaping products is key to brand loyalty


BRANDS have experience­d ongoing disruption for the past 20 years as a result of the internet.

This trend will accelerate as mobile-first generation Z unleashes the full power of the smartphone and looks to brands to provide personalis­ed, on-the-go experience­s.

“About 76% of South Afri- can generation Z respondent­s told us they would be more loyal to a brand that lets them give input or help shape its products and services, compared to 69% of all South African respondent­s,” says Rachel Thompson, insights director at GfK South Africa.

“And 22% said they liked fully automated products because they can be personalis­ed to their needs.”

Research shows brands will need to relook at their approaches to ensure they remain relevant. Thompson advises brands:

● To shift from offering new things to buy to inspiring new things to do. Wrapping a great experience – digital or real world – around a product can help inspire loyalty. New experience­sfind favour among gen Z consumers.

● To shift from telling your story to starting a conversati­on about their story. Interact with young customers, listen and learn from them. They love to be involved and continuous­ly look to customise or personal- ise what they get.

● To shift from telling your story to allowing them to tell it for you. Gen Z consumers use social media to get opinions while shopping, and make decisions based on feedback from their network. That makes their endorsemen­t a powerful sales tool.

Old disruption to true dis- ruptive innovation. Design experience­s knowing that generation Z is constantly connected and your brand is one of many options.

Design e-commerce experience­s with a mobile-first mindset and keep marketing messages casual and to-the-point with instant calls to action or rewards.

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