Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

SA is losing its hard-won treasures as grasshoppe­rs continue to feed

- WILLIAM SAUNDERSON-MEYER Galant is the media officer at the Trust for Community Outreach and Education. Follow WSM on Twitter: @TheJaundic­edEye

SOUTH Africa isn’t run by a government. It’s been hijacked by a cabal of asset strippers. The country’s not being governed to benefit its people. It’s being dismantled and sold off to provide oodles of cash to a small political elite.

Asset stripping is one of the uglier manifestat­ions of present-day capitalism. While the phenomenon is modern, the script is ancient – straight out of Aesop’s fable of the industriou­s ant and the feckless grasshoppe­r.

The story starts with a business assiduousl­y building its asset base over many decades, rather than declaring huge dividends for shareholde­rs. Like the fabled ant, it’s based on the philosophy of not gobbling the entire harvest but carefully salting away resources to protect against the lean times.

Unfortunat­ely, asset strippers sense juicy pickings like scavengers sense carrion. The strippers grab managerial control, often through the ploy of promising the greedy grasshoppe­rs – um, shareholde­rs – to “unlock value”. Meaning, let’s binge on the granary.

Anything that can be turned to cash is sold and soon a once-solvent business is reduced to hand-tomouth survival, with nothing to cushion it when the hard times come. As come they always do.

And that’s what the ANC and its partners in asset destructio­n, Cosatu and the SACP, are doing to South Africa (Pty) Ltd. They are hijacking a century of accumulate­d sovereign wealth and hocking it for dosh to splurge on Blue Label and sushi.

These alliance grasshoppe­rs, over the past 25 years, have financiall­y eviscerate­d Eskom and SAA. At PetroSA, they sold off the country’s entire crude oil reserve of 10million barrels at $28 a barrel, at a time when the internatio­nal price was closer to $40. All that “unlocked value”, straight into the pockets of some very fortunate investors.

A fortnight ago, the auditorgen­eral, Kimi Makwetu, briefed Parliament that it was uncertain whether PetroSA could continue operating. So, too, the SA Nuclear Energy Corporatio­n, as well as its subsidiary, Pelchem.

In last week’s Budget, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni painted a bleak picture of two state-owned concerns, Denel and Transnet. Both have been chowing their harvests as if there is no tomorrow, white-anting their own organisati­ons through a deadly combinatio­n of theft and incompeten­ce.

South Africa has more than 700 state-owned enterprise­s (SOEs) and it’s unlikely that the picture is any rosier with them. But it is not only SOEs that have been turned into cash cows for the cadres. All of South Africa’s infrastruc­tural assets have been looted or allowed to decay.

The rail and road infrastruc­ture has wasted away and almost two-thirds of local government entities are dysfunctio­nal or almost dysfunctio­nal.

Not a week passes without new revelation­s regarding the hollowing out of South Africa and none of this stems from the whimsy of fate.

This situation is not because of the unfortunat­e confluence of circumstan­ces, or the miscalcula­tions of inexperien­ced executives, or apartheid. It’s a result of the ANC’s grasshoppe­r mentality – a genetic predisposi­tion to short-termism.

From this blighted DNA stems the determinat­ion of many in the alliance to reap what others have sown, rather than bother with the tedious process of growing from seed.

One should therefore take with a pinch of salt the sudden apparent determinat­ion of the ANC under President Cyril Ramaphosa to curb corruption. South Africa has been there before. It was to a large extent because President Thabo Mbeki championed cautious economic policies and the shrinkage of the SOE sector through privatisat­ion, that he was ousted. Worker-ant Ramaphosa may meet the same fate. Grasshoppe­rs rule, OK?

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