Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Battle after attack rages

Al-Shabaab fighters holed up in building


HEAVY gunfire rang out across central Mogadishu yesterday as Somali special forces battled to dislodge insurgents holed up next to a hotel they bombed on Thursday. The death toll from that attack neared 30.

Islamist al-Shabaab fighters set off a bomb outside the Hotel Maka Al-Mukarama on Thursday before retreating to an adjacent building, from where they fired on soldiers who tried to enter. Another bomb exploded later about 1km away.

Rescuers said the number of dead from the first explosion, which destroyed several buildings, could well rise.

The attack, on a hotel popular with government officials, is part of a pattern of al-Shabaab assaults on high-profile targets in East Africa. It comes days after US forces in Somalia stepped up air strikes against the group, which is fighting to dislodge a Western-backed government protected by peacekeepe­rs.

“The militants are still fighting from inside a civilian house adjacent to the hotel,” police officer Major Musa Ali said yesterday. “They are fighting back with grenades and Kalashniko­v (rifles).”

He said mostly civilians, had died in the attack and its aftermath. About 80 had been wounded.

Authoritie­s sent a contingent of US-trained Somali troops known as the Alpha Group to try to flush out the militants yesterday, just after two wounded soldiers were carried away from the hotel.

The hotel attack began at night, and rescuers had no lights or equipment to help dig the wounded from the rubble, said Abdikadir Adem, the director of the privately run Aamin ambulance service.

“The scene is fearful... in magnitude it is similar to the October 14 bombing,” he said, referring to a truck bomb that killed more than 500 people in the city in 2017. “The death toll may rise and rise.”

Somalia has been convulsed by lawlessnes­s and violence since 1991, and a further layer of chaos was added in 2015 with the formation in the north of a splinter group of former al-Shabaab insurgents who pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

At least 25 people have been killed this week in clashes between the two militant groups, a military official from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland said.

Al-Shabaab has also carried out attacks in neighbouri­ng countries contributi­ng to the AU peacekeepe­r force inside Somalia, including one on a hotel and office complex in Kenya in January that killed 21 people.

Under US president Donald Trump, Washington has stepped up attacks against the group and US Africa Command announced six air strikes it says have killed 52 militants since the middle of last month.

Al-Shabaab’s military spokesman said yesterday it was still in control of the Mogadishu hotel.

“The government tried three times to enter the building but we repulsed them,” said Abdiasis Abu Musab.

With most roads in the city were shut to traffic, including those leading to hospitals, soldiers at checkpoint­s near the blast site repeatedly fired into the air to control crowds of frantic residents.

Many locals have been searching for missing relatives since Thursday. |

 ?? DANIEL REINHARDT/DPA VIA AP ?? SWEDISH climate activist Greta Thunberg holds a poster at a protest rally in Hamburg, Germany, yesterday. The slogan reads ‘School Strike For The Climate’. Thousands of pupils in Hamburg marched out of school led by Thunberg to call for more action on climate change. The protest is part of a global movement known as “School Strike 4 Climate” or “Fridays For Future” launched last August when Thunberg began protesting outside the Swedish parliament on school days. Thunberg said the school strikes would go on until politician­s took firmer action against climate change. Last month the 16-year-old Thunberg joined protests in Belgium, where she won a EU pledge to spend billions of euros combating climate change during the next decade. The youth initiative has called for nationwide strikes on March 15 as part of an internatio­nal day of action by pupils in which more than 40 countries are expected to participat­e. German Environmen­t Minister Svenja Schulze said on Twitter the protests by school children were impressive. But Ties Rabe, education senator for Hamburg state, said that although he supported the young people’s attempts to make the world a better place: ‘No one improves the world by skipping school.’|
DANIEL REINHARDT/DPA VIA AP SWEDISH climate activist Greta Thunberg holds a poster at a protest rally in Hamburg, Germany, yesterday. The slogan reads ‘School Strike For The Climate’. Thousands of pupils in Hamburg marched out of school led by Thunberg to call for more action on climate change. The protest is part of a global movement known as “School Strike 4 Climate” or “Fridays For Future” launched last August when Thunberg began protesting outside the Swedish parliament on school days. Thunberg said the school strikes would go on until politician­s took firmer action against climate change. Last month the 16-year-old Thunberg joined protests in Belgium, where she won a EU pledge to spend billions of euros combating climate change during the next decade. The youth initiative has called for nationwide strikes on March 15 as part of an internatio­nal day of action by pupils in which more than 40 countries are expected to participat­e. German Environmen­t Minister Svenja Schulze said on Twitter the protests by school children were impressive. But Ties Rabe, education senator for Hamburg state, said that although he supported the young people’s attempts to make the world a better place: ‘No one improves the world by skipping school.’|

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