Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Veil of secrecy over birth of Britain’s royal baby


LONDON: The latest royal baby is soon to arrive – and the atmosphere is growing positively (negatively?) febrile here.

The duchess of Sussex is expected to give birth soon – any minute, day or week now. (Due date? Late April to early May; we’ve not been told.)

But – egads – Meghan and Harry have gone dark. They’ve zipped their lips. They’ve not shared intimate details. The press and public don’t know who the medical team is, or where the hospital is or when the baby will be presented to the press.

According to an April 11 statement from Buckingham Palace: “Their royal highnesses have taken a personal decision to keep the plans around the arrival of their baby private. The duke and duchess look forward to sharing the exciting news with everyone once they have had an opportunit­y to celebrate privately as a new family.”

Meghan, the 37-year-old American former TV actress, has disappeare­d from public view. Harry showed up solo on Easter Sunday at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle. Or, as the tabloids put it: “Someone’s missing! Pregnant Meghan is nowhere to be seen as Harry joins the queen on her 93rd birthday Easter Sunday service.”

Then Harry popped up again on Thursday at the annual Anzac Day Service of Commemorat­ion and Thanksgivi­ng at Westminste­r Abbey, to honour those from Australia and New Zealand who served the Commonweal­th. But he was mum on everything baby-related.

In more innocent times, Queen Elizabeth delivered all her children at home. When she gave birth to her second son, Prince Andrew, courtiers simply posted a note on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.

Perhaps Harry and Meghan are traditiona­lists, after all. |

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