Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

R5bn grant from global fund to fight Aids

- NONI MOKATI noni.mokati@inl.co.za

SOUTH Africa is set to receive a major boost in its bid to combat the Aids pandemicy. The boost comes in the form of a $369 million (R5.3 billion) grant which has been made available through the Global Fund.

Yesterday, dignitarie­s gathered at the Sefako Makgatho Presidenti­al Guest House in the Capital City for the signing ceremony involving the National Department of Health, the Aids Foundation of South Africa, Beyond Zero and the Networking HIV and Aids Communitie­s of

South Africa.

Deputy President David

Mabuza had been expected to speak, but Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi delivered remarks on his behalf.

In his speech, Mabuza said since 2001, the Global Fund had invested more than $917m in South Africa and the donations have assisted the country to fast-track its programmes to address HIV and TB.

“To date South Africa has the largest treatment programme with more than 4.5 million people receiving antiretrov­iral treatment. Over the last decade, new infections have per year have been halved… however the work is not done. As noted by President Cyril Ramaphosa, we still need to initiate an additional two million people on ARVs by December

2020 and, equally important, we need to ensure that those on treatment take their medication and are virally suppressed,” said Mabuza.

Ambassador­s from Germany and France also gave their message of support ahead of the Replenishi­ng Conference to be held in France in October this year.

Mark Edington, head of the grant management division said the fund would benefit all members of society while chairman of the South African National Aids Council Civil Society Forum, Steve Letsike, said through although young girls continue to be a priority for government as they are the most affected, LGBTI people as well as sex workers also had to be assisted.

The fund will run over the 20192022 period.

South Africa is also being aided by the US President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief.

Motsoaledi appealed to global donors to also fund programmes aimed a researcher­s adding previous efforts had seen a positive turn out of students with PhDs and most of them have been women and people from previously disadvanta­ged communitie­s and rural areas.

 ?? SIYABULELA DUDA ?? HEALTH Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi during the signing ceremony of The Global Fund South Africa Grant 2019-2022 at Sefako Makgatho Presidenti­al Guesthouse in Pretoria yesterday. |
SIYABULELA DUDA HEALTH Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi during the signing ceremony of The Global Fund South Africa Grant 2019-2022 at Sefako Makgatho Presidenti­al Guesthouse in Pretoria yesterday. |

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