Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Water dragon gives birth to a very special baby


THERE is a 600cm long, emerald green Asian water dragon at the Smithsonia­n’s National Zoo. And this dragon, named Saphira after the character in the popular Eragon book series, has done something that scientists have not documented in any other water dragon.

In 2016, Saphira laid an egg that hatched into a baby lizard, despite the fact that she lives alone.

You see, most vertebrate­s, or animals with a backbone, need a male and a female to produce a baby. But a very small portion of female vertebrate­s are able to produce an offspring all on their own. Scientists call this parthenoge­nesis (pronounced parthuh-noh-JEN-uh-sis).

“Parthenoge­nesis is found in less than 0.1% of all vertebrate­s,” said Kyle Miller, Saphira’s keeper at the Reptile Discovery Center.

What’s really wild is that Miller and his team might have never discovered Saphira’s ability if they hadn’t started saving her eggs.

“About five years ago we started incubating eggs from any females that laid, whether they were bred or not,” Miller said. He had heard about how some reptiles could reproduce without breeding, so he and his staff started collecting eggs from some of the tortoises, turtles, snakes and lizards in their care. Most of them were duds.

But one day while he was shining a bright light behind some of the eggs

– a technique called candling – Miller noticed tiny, thin, red lines.

What he saw were veins.

Only two of the eggs Saphira produced through parthenoge­nesis were able to develop enough to hatch. And just one of those is alive today. But that animal – another female, which doesn’t yet have a name – is thriving.

“She’s an adult now,” Miller said.

Researcher­s The last month birth in has a published scientific raised several journal. Saphira’s story questions.

Will Saphira’s daughter also be able to reproduce without breeding? Or might her offspring be able to survive? The truth is, the scientists have no idea. Only a few reptiles such as the Komodo dragon, birds, sharks and rays are capable of parthenoge­nesis, and we still aren’t sure how or why it happens. Miller’s best guess is that after she had been by herself for a long time, a sort of switch flipped in Saphira’s body. It’s thought that being able to reproduce without a mate might be evolution’s way of helping a species survive when it finds itself in a new area – such as an island.

“This is something that we didn’t know was possible, and to have it happen here was a total surprise,” Miller said. –

 ??  ?? A female Asian water dragon, right, at the Smithsonia­n’s National Zoo had a daughter, left, without the help of a male water dragon. Scientists recently confirmed that the birth produced through a process called parthenoge­nesis. PICTURE: WASHINGTON POST
A female Asian water dragon, right, at the Smithsonia­n’s National Zoo had a daughter, left, without the help of a male water dragon. Scientists recently confirmed that the birth produced through a process called parthenoge­nesis. PICTURE: WASHINGTON POST

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