Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

If today is your birthday:


This week you need to finish what you started. You may want to change things up a little, to try something new, build on what you got, it depends. Yes, it all depends on you! your attitude, your ultimate goal. See clearly.

More than you should, you need to examine what lies in your heart. Time to consider things carefully, there are challenges awaiting you. All you need is a strong conviction, that nobody can take from you. Confidence is key.

Somehow, you know, you need to pay attention to your goals and desires this week. So take the time-don’t let it run away from you- to consider your options. Everything that’s important, all you need to feel you’re on your way.

Time to make up your mind where you are on your journey. Don’t waiver, keep pushing, you can feel the passion. You will be seeing results soon. Maybe a new lover, a new complicati­on to enjoy, a new game to play.

You are breaking through this new week, finding those answers you sought. Whatever you like, whatever you wish for, whatever you’ve always wanted. It’s a matter of rising up to the challenge. You’re on fire, you’re on top.

Somehow you need a new intensity, Time to show what

All you ever wanted is to not be misunderst­ood. This week you can positively say: “you get me”. Just be sure to be true to you and not meeting someone’s expectatio­ns. Ask yourself: how much you are willing to give of yourself?

Let go inhibition­s, and take whatever comes your way, and run with it. This week you are in love, more than you thought you’d have. But not without many wasted opportunit­ies. So grab this one and don’t let go.

You were almost there, now you need to leave love behind. The harder you try the more you seem to lose. This week recover yourself, there is room to grow, and find a way there. Somehow you can see it all again.

That which keeps you going this week, sees you changing to the positive. Time to pursue those lofty goals. You can overcome the hurt, and move forward unhindered. Just keep in touch with what’s important, and don’t forget it.

For a long time you thought you were wrong about the dream, and you couldn’t achieve it. This week, with a little help from those you love you can have it. You are the lucky one, the one who’s welcome.

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