Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Lily the lionheart

- Amber Court

CLIMATE change activist Lily Shaw is on strike to change the world.

Lily, 14, is part of Fridays for Future, who want people to take action on the ecological crises around the world. The strike started in August 2018 and Lily joined in November of that year.

“I want a future for all of my generation and hoping won’t be enough to achieve that,” she said.

Lily hopes to save the planet by composting metal, cardboard, paper and organic waste.

Her family owns earthworms which are fed to chickens to help them compost.

They also make ecobricks out of plastics. “I do civil demonstrat­ion and look after biodiversi­ty where I can,” said Lily.

She said everyone belonged to Fridays for Future.

“I will carry on striking until the government acts on the crises, as it hasn’t yet done so.

“This is more about our right to live a sustainabl­e lifestyle because right now it’s almost impossible for anyone,” said Lily.

She told Jellybean Journal that Vanessa Nakate from Ugandav and Jamie Margolin from the US are her climate change inspiratio­ns. Lily would like to establish an eco village to stay in.

But creating public transport from renewable energy is one of the problems she would like to address.

She explained that the polar ice caps were melting, changing temperatur­es and wind patterns. “This leads to extreme weather events, crop failures and temperatur­e rises.

“These changes will cause 99% of life to die off, us included.

“This is an issue we seem terribly close to,” said Lily.

“I am very proud of Lily for taking this stand, I support her in her climate action. Also, I educate her in many subjects at home and we are teaching her life and survival skills,” said Lily’s mom, Chloe Menteath.

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